"Txinguditarrak gara eta Baionara maiz goaz, orain arte beti alde zaharrean ibili eta Errobi ibaiatik gertu bazkaltzen genuen, sin mas! Gaur, Baiona ttipira joan gara eta La Bottegan bazkaldu dugu. Zoragarria. Hau ustekabe eder bat izan da. Osagaiak zaporetsuak, osasungarriak, italiarrak. Bazkari goxua: pasta eta saldak, pizzak baita ere eta, bukatzeko, postreak ere goxuak (dolce dell pastore). Produktu naturalak erabiltzen dutela sentsazioarekin atera gara Janari antzekoak bakarrik Italiako hegoaldean aurkitu dut. Tokia txikia bezain tratu goxua. Prezio onak ere bai Joan eta gozatu. Itzultzeko moduan zalantza barik ENGLISH VERSION: We are from the Txingudi area and frequently go to Baiona normally to the Old Town or to the area beside the river Errobi (Nive). Today we have gone to Little Baiona (Baiona ttipia) and have had lunch to the Bottega. Delicious. What a surprise! What a GOOD surprise. Fresh ingredients plenty of flavour and Italian. Tasty food: Pasta and sauces, pizza also and, to conclude, desserts delicious also (try il dolce dell pastore). We have left with the feeling of eating natural products. I have only taste similar food in the South of Italy. The place is as small as the welcome is warm. Good value! Go and enjoy. A place to come back for sure"