
Braunschweig, una città storica in Germania, fonde il fascino medievale con l'industria moderna, famosa per la sua Bratwurst e la specialità regionale Braunkohl mit Bregenwurst (cavolo riccio con salsiccia).

Pizza Riano

Pizza Riano

Altewiekring 58, 38102 Braunschweig, Lower Saxony, Germany

Tee • Käse • Pizza • Kaffee

"I am always surprised to read what is called "best/s... the city". ".bester döner, best coffee, best burger, best pizza, otherwise the city/city/in town/in Germany." Because of me. is all subjective. Regarding riano: I don't think it's too overwhelming. positiw is that the pizza is made fresh, you can watch that is thin and crispy. You can also sit if you want - the prices are identical when picking up or eating in the local.Shouldingly, this beautiful crispy teig is neutral.The covering (example "pizza margerita)" consists of a thin layer of tomato sauce without special aroma as everywhere. as in this country almost everywhere; sun-ripened tomatoes are not to taste. is probably due to the fact that always finished sauces are sprinkled - because good tomats can also be obtained with us around this season (and then this tastes better and could also cost two euro more). then the cheese - yes, there is unfortunately nowhere that is used (the card with dye - that is no mozzarella). I liked it after the usual pizza cheese, except that I'm hard on it. basilikum leaves were not on it, but are not on the map.This (big) "pizza margerita" with 28 cm costs at the time 4.90 euro. the price is from my own in order, more is the pizza overall but also not worth it. at the more expensive pizza prosciutto about 2.00 euro, a round disc was sloping and distributed on the above-mentioned pizza.The service is basically really nice and friendly (but please don't lie down at "my best", "my dear", "my friend")."

Ristorante San Lorenzo

Ristorante San Lorenzo

Gueldenstr. 77, 38100 Braunschweig, Lower Saxony, Germany

Tee • Pasta • Pizza • Mexikaner

"classic, fine kitchen, exquisite wine and a stylish ambiente. so it promises the internet site of the san lorenzo, fails in reality, but on own affirmations. the card is best standard and at the amount of dishes on the card I have my doubt that the dishes are actually fresh. particularly disappointing the pasta selection for me as vegetarian. only two dishes without meat, fish or wings found themselves on the map, including the classic spaghetti with garlic and oil, which is always delicious, but I would not go to the restaurant. my choice was therefore not to mention the only meatless alternative spaghetti with red pesto, dried tomatoes and no sweat cheese cubes! because these were not planned in the program, I suspect a creative attack of the coks. cheese cubes of the new parmesan. also unannounced, but by no means unpleasant were the small antipasti that were given to us without calculation before eating. bruschetta and a type of fladenbrot on it a (probably) avocado-dip truncated to welcome the waiting time to eat. for a long time, but it was also what brought us personal attention. only after we finished an hour with the food, the staff could ask for further drinks and look back. miraculously given the almost completely empty restaurants. looking at the stylish environment, the san lorenzo can still promise its own. although I would call the dining room appropriate, in no case superior or stylish. the toilets needed urgent overhaul."



Kattreppeln 10, 38100 Braunschweig, Lower Saxony, Germany

Tee • Pizza • Pasta • Kebab

"Wir (2 Personen) waren letzte Woche Sonntag zum Mittagessen das erste Mal im Yakamoz ("Yakamoz" heißt lt. Lexikon: "Die Widerspiegelung des Mondes im Wasser"). Wir essen ganz gern mal türkisch und die guten Bewertungen hier taten ihr Übriges. Ein Restaurant mit gleichem Namen und gleicher (?) Speisekarte findet man auch in Hannover in der Goethestraße (vielleicht also ein "Ableger" in BS).Die Räume des Yakamoz in Braunschweig sind sauber und ordentlich. Es gibt die übliche offene Küchentheke (und dadurch auch den üblichen Essengeruch in den Klamotten). WC (Herren) im Obergeschoss war sauber und relativ neu, Damen-WC wurde nicht besucht. An diesem Sonntagmittag waren während unseres Besuchs ungefähr 20 Gäste anwesend - Eltern mit Kindern, Jugendliche, Türken, Deutsche. Die Geräuschkulisse im Lokal war normal bis laut.Laut Speisekarte gibt es Suppen für 3,50 Euro, Frühstück zwischen 6,00 und 7,00 Euro, Salate sowie kalte und warme Vorspeisen (um die 3,00 bis 8,50 Euro) und täglich wechselnde Tagesgerichte für 5,50 Euro. Dazu natürlich die üblichen Döner- und Grillgerichte, Pizzen, Nudeln usw. Einige vegetarische und vegane Gerichte gibt es laut Karte auch.Wir entschieden uns für Iskender Kebap mit Joghurt und Tomatensoße für 9,00 Euro und für den Dönerteller mit Hähnchenfleisch, Reis und Zaziki (Cacik?). Es gab zu beiden Gerichten Salat und Brot. Inklusive Getränken und Trinkgeld bezahlten wir rund 25,00 Euro.Die Kellner schienen nicht so richtig organisiert, waren aber sehr freundlich. Die Portionen waren groß und nicht zu beanstanden. Unser Essen war soweit ok, abgesehen davon, dass uns das Brot nicht schmeckte, der Döner-Kebap für meinen Geschmack etwas mehr Salz brauchte und die Tomaten im Salat jahreszeitlich bedingt auch nicht so toll waren. Gefallen hat uns der türkische Reis. Insgesamt kann man nicht meckern. Lobeshymnen sind aus unserer Sicht allerdings auch nicht angebracht - das Yakamoz ist ein ganz guter türkischer Imbiss wie viele andere auch, nicht mehr und nicht weniger."