"Now the first time there is something to eat. Pizza,Nudelauflauf und nen Salat mit Hausdressing I found the pizza very tasty and you can really leave it like that. I found the pizza card appealing again for a long time, as according to my taste 3/4 of the pizza bars in Detten, their pizza cards or whose pizza compositions have been put together with cubes at neat Raki and nem Mug...for me, 80% of the pizza compilation of total must: ..but not here. Also the uprun was tasty, a fat plus for it, that create sadly even very few of the Nicaraguan pizza wroughts .! The salad was fresh and crisp, for my taste only strangely draped.here the cut tomato, along with the striped cucumber, along with the onion etc.all in the piece(but cut Maybe someone finds that more appealing, but I think the taste of the salad does not unfold due to the mixing of the ingredients. The dressing creates with devotion, unfortunately the certain ground is missing. Tip: so leave, only a hint of acidity, a tak of sweetness and a parrot of salt."