Garmisch-Partenkirchen Garmisch-Partenkirchen


Klammstraße 5, 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Deutschland, Germany

Indisch • Deutsch • Arabisch • Panasiatisch

"Easter Sunday – dinner with the clique. they do not want Italian, the others do not want German. “What do they think about the akram, we haven’t been there for a long time now?” with 10 yes, and a abstention from the rahmschnitzelfan was accepted my suggestion, and I reserved one table. what they should always do, because this arises locally from the local gastronomy. herr akram offers lt. own statement euro asian and ayurvedic specialities, with which unfortunately quite extensive menu changes often. If the weather is appropriate, you sit before the entrance, but then you have to consider that pedestrians run through the tables. in this winter weather, however, the question does not arise, for us was in approx. 80 seats created a long interior. the facility is crazy, big white ikea ball ceiling lamps, put hard chairs, on the benches ikea kissing, huge windows. parking at the day in the garage from the super market next door. the restaurant as expected up to the last place filled, three services had good to do. yet they remained friendly, didn't let any hectic arise and earned 4 stars honestly. half a star because the suppe of the rahms carnival was forgotten. also the waiting time should remain in the normal frame and the foods come to our table at the same time, take care of this kitchen. I need a little longer here until I found something, because my akram always surprises with new creations. Finally, my choice fell on a Thai fish soup with jar noodles, sweet and coriander € 5,20 and from pure curiosity please an ayurvedic pancake of yellow lenses, filled with spinach, kartoffel ragout, an salat garnitur and yoghurt coriander sauce € 12,90 . to drink – like profan3 – a cola. €2.70 after the drinks, the service brought us fresh dark bread with sunflower seeds and on narrow porcelain dishes made from chili and criminal butter as well as raw food with a hauch lemongras. my suppe was fantastic. hot and sharp. no warning that swims in it, he crawls on the side, he no longer has to do. the sweet was still bit-resistant and the glass noodles were only glass noodles. I love to eat coriander and find this very harmoniously oriented to asia. short, with distance the best suppe for a long time! the rahmschnitzelfan sat with a slightly tricky mouth next to me and mourn his unheard suppe. No, I'm not mean grins, but I couldn't forget to praise mine in the highest tones. the pfanncake resembled a pizza roll at first moment, but only until the first bit very crispy, the filling incredibly hot, it vaporized as from a melting furnace. the yogurt dip came in a separate bowl. the salat dressing cut in narrow strip fits well to eat. combined the pfann cake tasted exotic, was strongly seasoned mainly the spinach and a pretty run, should be called, you get well fed. but I prefer to fall from the chair and crawl to the house, as here the fabulous and happy so far never to give up from the map painted mango tiramisu € 6,90. Moreover, this is over and the old roars said, "Give you something if you are in need, what do you have when you are dead." this Italian classic is best brushed on asian: a velvety fruitmus dissolves the layers of sawing, and the soft spoon bisquit is only discreetly inoculated with coffee. the taste-neutral strawberries are buried by the jelly brand erdbeerkaviar and therefore taste quite good. but now the fun is close, I don't eat any chocolate we get on the bill. to the toilets they have to be on three, four stages, so unfortunately not barrier-free. Conclusion: I was always excited to go home, so even today. a gaab thick recommendation from me and a good alternative to frame carving :"

Schützenhaus Cafe

Schützenhaus Cafe

Wankbahnstraße 1, 82467, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

Deutsch • Bayerisch • Italienisch • Kaffee Und Kuchen

"In the Tagblatt a great article appeared that the Schützenhaus finally opened again. After seven years of Sleeping Beauty, it was also time! And the owners have taken the right coal into their hands, slapping 750,000 euros in the renovation or Renovation has been set and Croatian peasants are committed to offering, of course, Bavarian dishes in addition to the Balkans. No question where Schatzl and I are going to dinner tonight. On the access road to the Wankbahn, the Schützenhaus is located on the left hand side of the hiking park of the Philosophenweg. There we stopped the car and climbed the few steps to the entrance next to the terrace. It's a good thing to think about a ramp for children's cars or wheelchairs. The establishment of the long-drawn guest room would be described in the broadest sense as a modernly trimmed country house style, with a design floor with wood look. You enter the place on the narrow side and opposite, at the other end, is the counter, next to it goes to the toilets and another stüberl. On the longitudinal side towards the terrace a huge window front. A bisserl has retained its railway hall character. At the early hour – 18 h – little was left, and we sat right at a corner table. The menus are already on the table, so we had time to look in until the waiter discovered us, who turned out to our surprise as a true Italian. We already ordered a soot 0.5 l. € 3,30 – Ettaler and Bitburger beer will be presented and a special € 0.5 l. € 3, and then we were looking for something to eat. twice the cattle force broth fillet soup € 3, you will notice the croats, otherwise there would be pancake soup, Sagittarius Pfanderl; Pork fillet with mushroom cream sauce, cheese spets and vegetable pan € 13,90 and deer's goulash with mushrooms, cranberries and butter spets € 12,50 and a mixed supplement salad €2,50 . Soups were immediately served in terrins. Much, tasteful for me, unfortunately, a pure fall. The broth didn't taste homemade and lash, the pancake strips were totally dimmed: well, that's going well.... and then the salad came even though I was still spooning on the soup. In addition to carrots, radii, leaf salads and a few soft tomatoes, there were also unchambered cucumber slices, sprouts and onion rings; yogurt dressing was tastefully inconspicuous. I was glad about the salt shaker. The Hirschedelgulasch came as desired without mushrooms, the Spätzle was thankfully in a separate bowl. The sauce looked very dark, but turned out to be extremely tasty and strong. The flesh was pervaded in the truest sense of the word. Some pieces broke in their mouth, so tender they were, others were so tough that they could hardly chew. The Spätzle – announced as a butter parrot – had definitely seen no butter let alone a pan, but came fresh from the water pot. Well drained, but completely tasteless. Again, the salt shaker was my best friend. I give 3 stars for the food, because Schatzl was very satisfied with his peach, which consisted of loud fresh ingredients. However, he also suspected that the cook was not in love. The portions were quite large, so we left a dessert. Instead there was an espresso € 2, which was of solid quality. For the sympathetic, communicative waiter, I give 4 stars, and his colleague on the other side of the guest room was more unpleasant. I even know that this was the boss because he had set up a table next to the counter as an office. Thus, for example, new guests entered the room, went through it completely until they stood before it, only then did he consider it necessary to get up. Doesn't seem very hospitable. And then it would have been a good idea to look past the occupied tables and greet the guests. Conclusion: I will come back and give the shelter a second chance, today the kitchen has not convinced me. It attracts the homemade Kaiserschmarrn, which I will enjoy after a hike."



Klammstraße 7, 82467, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

Pizza • Fastfood • Mittelmeer • Italienisch

"Holiday notes in advance... ... today it is as good as no one, because this was the evening of the “wind bag day” whose graceful, high-alpine border experiences I have already described and illustrated in the corresponding evaluation. This day and that day when the visit to the Steakhaus Waffenschmiede took place, that I, despite physical revival at midday, only took a late sweet treat to me instead of an adult lunch; with correspondingly good appetite, I was in the evening. One or two visits to the Colosseo have always been there in recent years and I cannot explain why the Ristorante has repeatedly fallen through my critique. It was and is Etc after the first satisfaction of acute haxen pancake soups. On the first evening, if the pleasure of Mediterranean flavors came back, this year too. I had reserved a table in the morning on the spot and still quite adored by the sun-filled, contemplative impressions on the Kramer Plateau way it went against 19:30h freshly showered in deep relaxed manner to the nearby Klammstraße, the gastronomic Broadway Garmischs as it seems... This criticism takes into account as the title suggests two of this year's visits, the first one I describe as usual. The second, which unfortunately led to a noticeable evaluation of the kitchen, I mention in pure focus on the food directly following down in the text. If you look at the gastronomic fluctuation on the Klammstraße of recent years, then the restaurant located on the first floor of a business house, above a supermarket and a bicycle shop seems almost like the proverbial rock in the fire. Because the place has been there for more than 35 years as I learned today, there was a cinema on the ground floor in ancient times and a large curved staircase was reached to a gallery on the upper floor. When the cinema was closed, the house was rebuilt and the Colosseo had to lock up its doors during the course, down the supermarket pulled in, the stairs in the interior were no longer available and you have since reached the steep outside staircase or an elevator to the restaurant. There are several companies that have already been rated by me in the immediate vicinity, on the right the Hotel Zugspitze with its Joseph Naus Stubn, vis à vis the restaurant 4 Eck and obliquely opposite the existence of the “Steirer Sepp”. Its follower, a pizzeria, sends himself to the Colosseo to want to compete, but irritates sustainably with a huge, almost semi-finished, Mexico department in the hanging map. In good weather, the popular terrace of the Colosseo offers a relaxed setting for Italian palate delights al fresco with an unpaid view of the Zugspitzmassiv and the always merciful driving on the Klammstraße. Since our Garmischer friends wanted to come to this later and the evening would certainly not go to the end at 8 p.m., I had asked for a table in the interior, for I am now a chilled... pardon... burnt child as regards evening temperature drops in the mountains. But the guest room of the Colosseo is a quite pleasant one, after entering the view to the left you can catch almost a little living room atmosphere due to the design of the front wall. We had reserved a nice corner table in the area to the right, which, although more well-kept material than living room transports but at full house represents the much more quiet option as I find: To this we were not accompanied after a kindly routined greeting of a young gentleman from the land of lemons, but we were guided by bella figura in the sense of word to the table. The maps beat a little with their size, there are everything that one expects from a pizzeria ristorante in this country, the changing specials are always positive, which expand the already great offer. Pizza fans should delight the rather unusual section “Pizza Speziali” where pizza is offered not only in the variants “Bianche, Rosé and Rosse”, but also as “Focaccia morbida” or as “Pizza Baguette”. In addition, the sometimes quite exceptional coating combinations occur, a pizza baguette with mushrooms, Philadelphia, Parmaschinken and Rucola is not necessarily obtained at any corner in my region. By the way, masochists or allergic persons may also order the roundlings for two Euros surcharge in a dinkel version. In order to know the dimension of the maps, I had already seen the specials online in advance and quickly became fusing, the selection of the dishes therefore took only uninhabited short time, our attentive Twenty Something waiter registered this immediately and we could get rid of our wishes. Since I am always the poor driver at home and always become envious when I read here by loyal wives who push their no longer 100% violating spouses home, I like to take the opportunity for me to cultivate exotic customs like “Aperitif” or even “Digestif”. Needless to mention that there is still a complicity that Madame a has a driver's license but does not drive and b does not drink alcohol.... At the Aperos I found nothing really exciting, but the now very old-served In Drink from Lake Garda has something “soliday” for me, because I only order it then, see the last sentence of the last paragraph. The well-tempered Apero classic should soon be in front of me, 6.90€ is required here for the slightly karg presented liquid start. Aperol Spray Prosecco Madame was pleased with a cold currant choir, half a liter of 4,90€. There is a little greeting from the kitchen in the Colosseo, unfortunately, not what I find a pity, a few nice olives, bread and oil don't cost the world and would face the house well. Since I was recently allowed to experience Helmut Gote in his wonderful radio show “Everything in butter” with exuberant swarms to the perfect Vitello Tonnato, I suggested to share a small portion of the popular appetizer representative, I had simply not tried here what should change soon: appetizer Vitello Tonnato, small portion – 9,50€ white wine choir – 0.4l to 5,50€ The calf nut was cut into not too thin slices and convinced with delicate consistency and juice. The sauce I helped with some pepper from the mill a little bit more to the jumps, here I would have liked a little more peach, but together with the mild capers, the typical, tasty overall picture was a good vitello. A bit disappointing the accompanying bread on Christmas napkins, although it did not come from the last Advent, was, however, from the variety “appily fast-saturating” with extensive taste neutrality, and thus had mechanical qualities rather than culinary qualities during the Sauce Auftunken. Since the open white wines do not appeal to me here and I had already had good experiences with the wine choir here in the summer I decided again for this and was not disappointed. A fresh, hearty, simple wine with wonderful acidity, think a halfway usable Frascati if there should be something like that. Even such a holiday thing, at home it would never seem to me to drink a wine choir, here it tasted me at summer temperatures, at the sight of the alpine glows, just behind the mountains, just like Ambrosia. Duetto di Mare – 23,50€ Pizza Margherita – 7,00€ 1,20€ for garlic.... Duetto di Mare grandios! My maritime duet was woken to the table on a carousel large encoder plate and therefore seemed more clearly for the eye than for the stomach. In addition to a nicely large pasta fork spaghetti AOP portion turned on the plate, there were superbly grilled tubes and tentacles of Baby Calamari as well as in the middle two of the length after half and also – in the shell – grilled scampi. The fact that there were no shrimp showed not least the fine sweet taste but also the appearance of the tail fin, shrimps are also declared separately in various dishes with on the map. A wonderful dish, I love such puristic treats, that is for me the quintessence of good Italian cuisine. Olive oil, garlic, chili, salt and pepper, a little parsley and good products, more you don't need to enjoy today. The pasta was on the point, the garlic was well-dosed and did not get bitter in the pan, Calamari and Scampi were also ideally cooked, delicate and aromatic in their own taste. In a seizure of courageous self-examination, I tried half the chilischote with some pasta at the end, as I missed a hint of sharpness, which should change abruptly, never before had a ready-to-hand cold wine choir been so valuable, no more I say. Only good that I had already fed the sea dwellers, for a few minutes there was latent baptism on the palate... Madame had ordered her beloved pizza Margherita in “dark baked”, “ben cotta per favore” ... “ahh ben cotta, naturalmente signorina!” The amount of the garlic beaten by her was 1.20€ for an extra fee, both service and the card remained silent. Pizza Margherita From this should, however, also land a more than lush amount on the stone oven product, so much so that it was actually a bit too careful for it, for this supplement the separate serving in a small bowl is certainly not a covered expectation for its own dosage. Nevertheless, my accompaniment was very satisfied, the dough was super thin and immediately after serving a tasty story, even though a little flat in my own taste I was allowed to taste and had already pizza here in the past. Unfortunately, after a few minutes the dough tends to become very labbrig, the sorry theme of hot pizza on cold porcelain with a corresponding inclination of showing dough. In the meantime, Mrs and Mr. Obacht had appeared, a bottle of Prosecco quickly appeared on the table in the nice Schampus Kübel, as well as – in this case at the table, not on a very nice friend cares, which was randomly on site to pick up her birthday partying daughter, made us company and also took her dinner on occasion. A very nice round, the lady with Argentinian roots turned out to be an extremely entertaining, happy contemporary, a beautiful, harmonious moment. After eating also a small highlight, Mr. Obacht had just sat down one of the Burger's creations and thirsted after a sweet, alcoholic conclusion. Said, was promptly ordered, but what came to the table, outraged the sympathetic show of Bavaria next to me very much, what is this for a children's crane? The Affogato al Caffè al Bailey ́s, so espresso with vanillais, Bailey’s and cream was basically his choice, but not in the usual Mr. Obacht! Special portioning. So this one was kicked off to me – it tasted good, what should happen, but is not a Bailey’s friend and did not find itself on the account of what one can certainly not say to the Affogato in Pint size of my table neighbour. Spontaneously I had to think about Crocodile Dundee: “That you call Affogato? bäm, the bucket comes on the table DAS is an Affogato!” Affogato al Caffè al Bailey ́s Lord Obacht Portion : The evening took a nice end at a common Grappa on the terrace, Bud Spencer watched us benevolously approved place... Format... ...and only too happy would have used this opportunity for a popular selfie installation on all sides, but unfortunately the pictures only show me in trauter Eintracht with Mr. Obacht and there is of course the discretion. At this point, I would have landed for a good meal at sunny, slightly rounded, satisfied 4.5 stars, but there should be another visit three days later... 2. Visit on 11.9.2020 Almost summer temperatures should be on the following Friday, so instead of Bavarian defensity and steaming pasta mountains, the cold kitchen should come along rather and we decided again for the Colosseo. The nice service, almost the same table: the framework conditions were again the same, inkusive Aperol spray and the following wine choirs, therefore only a few sentences for this time unfortunately not really successful food: Bruschetta – 3,00€ Bruschetta On an already slightly softened piece of a cold, almost completely un roasted white bread, a really delicious tomato preparation with fresh basil. On this large chips of Grana Padano next to naiver Crema the Balsamico “Tellerkunst”. Due to the slightly softened bread no enjoyment, cheese plates I also don't need any on Bruschetta, through the acceptable tomato coating a tight four in school notes. Carpaccio – 13,50€ Carpaccio Thin Planned Grana Padano seems to be a small all-purpose weapon, even on the Carpaccio he was distributed quite randomly. By far the most boring Carpaccio I've ever eaten. There was nothing that could have given the whole taste, for 13.50€ one served a few thin pussies of a painless, unworn beef, a little rocket and half a lemon that was it. I crafted with the ready-to-be – rather cheap-tasting – aceto, oil, pepper and salt still something like taste in the dish, at this price a sweet half-naught, more is not to say, unfortunately. Insalata di Mare – 11,90€ Insalata di Mare Loving was also the top kitchens Maxime for the seafood salad. On a few leaves of green salad one poured a small pile of Frutti di Mare, next to another half a lemon, point. The seafoods tasted almost nothing through the bank, the lush celery overlaid everything and the pulpo occasionally clearly tended to the car tire consistency. This could be eaten but the process had much more to do with metabolism than with pleasure, resigned I thought of the delicious variant in my beloved Ristorante Russo in Solingen. This second visit would be smooth with 1.5 stars for the kitchen, which was unfortunately a small, completely unexpected total fold and we didn't really know how we were due to the good experience so far. Fairly, however, it must be mentioned that this was the first disappointing experience in about eight previous visits, which I would like to add to the appreciation, so we come to the conclusion The cut from both visits this week would result in a close three for the kitchen, but I would go up half a star with regard to the overall performance experienced over time, even from last year, because according to my abdominal feeling, the second visit was a so far unique negative premiere in this form. I therefore come for the kitchen to just under 3.5 stars for basically solid Italian food. A little more attention on tasteful subtleties would be desirable but also craftsmanship things like the almost unroasted Bruschetta do not have to be. I have always experienced the service as a sympathetic, polite and friendly, a well-established team that brings food and beverages to the guests in a targeted and error-free manner and always has a look at them, 4.5 stars. The ambience in the summer at the gallery surely still a piece more beautiful than inside, yet four stars for the overall package, you can feel comfortable here I see the cleanliness on four stars, a point of Corona deduction for vinegar and oil bottles on the tables that were not exchanged when new guests came to the table. Since the vinegar was also a thin one with a wide pourer, it is not to be ruled out that guests dose with the thumb, which I saw on another occasion. I also see the PLV in correlation with food at 3.5 stars, some things fit, others like the prices for the spray or the carpaccio in relation to bids certainly not quite. For me, the Colosseo is part of a Garmisch holiday now simply by knowing what you can order here and expect you will not be disappointed and I hope with my criticism also helped to convey this knowledge."

Garmischer Hof

Garmischer Hof

Chamonixstraße 10, 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

Fisch • Deutsch • Fleisch • Europäisch

"My wife and I aren't staying in the hotel but decided to try their restaurant because they say they're trying to promote organic ('bio') and local food, and they had some vegetarian options on the menu. J ordered grilled cod In lemon and thyme crust on a baked aubergine on a roesti, and enjoyed it very much. I chose a vegan burger which came with salad in the bun, a sauce possibly based on tofu with paprika and with potato wedges - I'm not vegan but try to avoid egg and cheese overdose. Regrettably I was underwhelmed by my choice. The 'burger' was a very soft probably potato-based croquette without enough taste, bite or texture and the sauce was also bland. After a while we did ask for mustard to liven it up. There was nothing actively unpleasant about it - it just seemed worthy and bland. When J gave feedback on my behalf, the waiter suggested I should have ordered spicy sauces to enliven it, but that really misses the point. They wouldn't have made the texture more satisfying and you shouldn't have to think of extras to enliven something you've never had before. Hoping to fill a gap I ordered a dessert of nut and apple pancake with baked plums (a special), but the pancake (cold) was also very bland. Fortunately the meal was washed down with very pleasant Ettaler bilberry liqueur.The shortcomings I felt could could partly be a difference in expectations between German 'reform'/organic eaters and me, but having had a delicious meal entirely of vegan dishes nearby a couple of nights before I'm not convinced. They've also only been doing this since June at this hotel, and it may be in the 'tuning-in' phase. I'm glad they're making the attempt to serve the organic market and people who want to eat like me. I certainly hope it will be better in future. Rating based on my feelings about my meal, not J's."

Loisach Stuben

Loisach Stuben

Fuerstenstr. 4, 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Germany

Fisch • Deutsch • Fleisch • Europäisch

"My father stood the sense of deculent Bavarian, my treasure wanted a lot of dead animals from the grill. Knowing that I cannot suffer both, they insisted that I go to dinner. I like my family... When you get from the Klammstraße to the pedestrian zone, you will find the Loisach Stuben as the second house right in the Fürstenstraße. Whoever is smart comes on foot or by bike. When you enter, you will be first in front of the large counter and then get right into the guest room. Until the waiter had discovered us, we had already picked up a corner table in the outer corner, which one does not do everything to be able to photograph in peace. Nice are the Tiffany lamps. While the colorful upholstery of the benches reminds me of living benches and so does not match my taste, my father found it cozy. Rasch received the menus and were asked for the drinks. As an exception, we already knew all three: a specific, a currant choir and a mineral water all three 0.5 l. €3,20 . Studying the maps began. Well that asparagus season is, I found something to my taste. We chose: Barbecue Plate “Loisach Stuben”, Raznjici, Pork Lend, Cevapcici, Cattle Lend, Grilled Speck and Debriziner with Djuvecreis, Pommes frites, Onions and Ajvar € 14,90 Abgebräunter Leberkäs mit Spiegelei and Bratkartoffelce € 8,50 1 serving fresher barnail with grilled potato After we were the only guests at this early time at 17.30 h, it didn't take long until we got the food served. At the same time. I already found positively that the Hollandaise was separated and was not already poured over the asparagus. And then she tasted too! Nice buttrig and with light acidity, fine: I was also from the asparagus. It was located in a well-luged brew and did not come too hard and not too soft. However, he should have driped a little better. While the potatoes were able to score, there was reason to pick up in the fish. Only the edge was rough, the middle part of the skin had not seen the pan. From my experience this happens when the pan was too hot when the fish was put in. So don't eat skin, but scratch it. The Zander was still juicy, and so I was very happy. Even for my eyes, the grill plate looked appetizing, even if something overloaded. The meat does not get dry, pumice chess, and also from the rest nix remained. The photo of the liver cheese looks a little foggy, so that the portion came to the table with a powerful vapor. My father praised the roasted potatoes, roasted liver cheese and preparing a fried egg is not a big challenge now. Everybody's sick? No, because now my big hour hit. Dessert!!! And what do you eat in a Balkan place? Right, piping with ice and chocolate sauce € 6, . A large portion, but quite to create. The pancake solid, the ice cream cream creamy, standard chocolate sauce calorie balance filled, finished. An espresso €1,90 for Schatzl and then the bill please. The toilets are quite narrow between theke and kitchen. When cleaning, you should look up, then you might also see the spider webs: Conclusion: The waiter was friendly, but he didn't pull out the sleeves for us. My food would have been worth 3 stars to me, the rest of the family has overtuned me, so good, then there is 4. The next time they have to go alone. Without wanting to evaluate the Loisach Stuben, it's just not my kind of local."

Da Enzo

Da Enzo

Griesgartenstraße 10, 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

Pizza • Fastfood • Vegetarier • Europäisch

"General Today was the day we didn't want to eat Bavarian. After all, we had breakfast in our guest house every day, and in the afternoon there were mostly cakes or cakes in the café. What little thing it should be, maybe italian. And so I remembered Enzo, the Italian, where three years ago we fed well with care and treasure. Sweetheart agreed, and so shortly before 7 p.m. we went on a 10 minute way. Thanks to my good memory, we had found his Ristorante right back. Service 1.5* When we entered the restaurant, it looked pretty well occupied. Enzo personally, we recognized him immediately, came to us and welcomed us kindly. My question about a table for two people was quickly done. With a hand stroke he pointed us a 4 table directly to the left of the entrance. The beautiful table framed on one side a comfortable wooden bench with backrest and on the other side two comfortable wooden chairs. Sweetheart settled on the wooden bench with seat cushion. I took place on one of the two chairs with my back to the gang. Shortly after, he gave us the menu and drinks. We have been able to make an impression about the offer. When he came back to our table after a pleasant time, we could also order our desired dishes together with the beverage request. The two Chianti (0.25 l 6, €) came to the table quickly and well tempered. We didn't have to wait long for our dishes. There were pizza rolls in the basket before. Previously on Knabbern He wished us a good appetite, also asked if everything is to our satisfaction. We were pleased with our statement that it tastes very good. Being an Italian with his Bavarian dialect, radiated a certain serenity until... yes until the time that treasures passed a little paintheur. On the handle after a pizza cake from the basket, she accidentally pushed her wine glass. That's what happens in restaurants. At the moment, she immediately lifted up the glass that was not broken. The wine nevertheless rose to the white tablecloth and over its plate, continued to flow to the bank to finally land on the floor. Immediately we can remove the red wine on the tablecloth with the paper napkins on the table. The stains have remained logical. Enzo seemed quite relaxed when he saw the Malheur. He immediately took my wife's plate to the kitchen to pour the red wine. Then put him back to the table, so she could eat. But then he suddenly changed his mood, grumping and bruising, he came over and over again head-spicking at our table. Somehow he had completely lost his attitude. We couldn't do more than apologise to each other. It wasn't broken. Instead of constantly buzzing, it would have been appropriate that he or another would have wiped the wine under the table and the bank away from the staff. Since the seat cushion was also affected, it would have been nice to replace it. I've never seen it in a restaurant. Food 4* My table neighbour chose the homemade Ravioli Salvia (12,00 €). These were filled with real small chopped stone mushrooms, whose distinctive taste was clearly felt on tongue and palate. The ravioli were, visually very beautifully presented, in sage butter sauce on the naturally preheated plate. A little ointment and grated parmesan on top of it rounded off the pasta. Unfortunately, she could not experience the full enjoyment of her dishes to the empty plate. Ravioli I decided once again for spaghetti carbonara (9,50 €. A neat portion, perfectly cooked spaghetti covered with egg, enough bacon cubes, a spoon of rubbed parmesans over it. Tadellos prepared, just as I imagined. Thank God not the unspeakable cream sauce. Spaghetti Carbonara Despite the above-mentioned circumstances, we have enjoyed an espresso (2.20 €, which was typical Italian and very good. Espresso Unfortunately the photos have not succeeded properly. White plates on white ceiling, and also the reflection of ceiling lighting. Well, at the end the ceiling was no longer white J Ambiente 3.5* Clean tablecloths in typical Italian style. Candle, which was also ignited, also lacked a fresh rose in the vase, small pepper mill and salt shakers. The best corners for every place with thick paper napkins were already ready. Cleanliness 4* In the restaurant everything is clean and well maintained, that also applies to glasses, cutlery and dishes in general. Toilet was not visited. Conclusion: An Italian who can prove not only pizza and pasta, but also in higher grade dishes. In dealing with the processing of a painter of guests, he must definitely improve. Finally, we had the impression that he never wants to see us again. And that's exactly what we'll do to him. Overall impression: 2 – hardly again (1 – certainly not again, 2 – hardly again, 3 – if it results, again, 4 – happy again, 5 – absolutely again"

Local Cure

Local Cure

Zugspitzstraße 70, 82467, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

Pizza • Barren • Kneipen • Amerikanisch

"First and foremost, the staff and service were impeccable. I really enjoyed my Bavarian Burger, and the homemade mayo as a dipping side was an excellent touch! This is actually my second time here. The first time was in the peak of Ski season, was so packed I couldn’t get a seat as a solo patron. This time it was with a buddy and after ski season, so it was still busy but my friend and I found a seat at the bar. They have a great selection of whiskeys: Irish, Scotch, and American bourbon. They have a somewhat limited menu with appetizers, pizzas and burgers; however, I wouldn’t expect a full menu at an Irish pub, so this was not really a detriment. My friend ordered the special: the Garlic burger and echoed the sentiment from another reviewer that it was the best burger in Germany that he’s had. I will go further to say it’s one of the burgers I’ve had anywhere: large in size with cheddar (or Gouda), a hunk of ham, bacon, lettuce, onion, and tomato. This is a place I’d definitely recommend for getting a drink with a few friends or a bite to eat. I echo the other views that this isn’t really place for large gathering or bringing kids. Not that it’s family unfriendly (there was a dog there when I went), but it’s pretty space-limited. Overall, this is an excellent place, the service was amazing, staff was friendly, and the owner even came and chatted with us. I will be going back!"