"I therefore give a note not to cooking the place, which seems delicious, but to the cook who has shown a very great human generosity recently. I explained: I was on a bike outside the chivreuse a few weeks ago and it turns out I had the wrong idea to fall into the descent of romanville, a few meters from the hostel. My hands in the blood and shoulders, I returned to the inn on a Saturday morning so I could wash my hands and call a taxi. The cook not only offered me a sink and sopalin to wipe me, but beyond that, after telling me that having a taxi would be more than complicated, offered me to drive with my bike in the trunk to the nearest train station (10 good minutes of car anyway! . without him and his generous gesture, my day would have been much more complicated ! When I'm restored (the broken clavicle, I'll come (by car, this time, test his kitchen! Thanks again!"