Das Marktrestaurant

Das Marktrestaurant

Dekan-Karl-Platz 21, 82481, Mittenwald, Germany

Pizza • Deutsch • Mexikaner • Europäisch

"...muss es bedeuten, damit man seinen Gästen ein solches Erlebnis bieten kann! Dafür vielen lieben Dank an den Chef und das gesamte Team!!!Wir haben gestern das Marktrestaurant zu Viert besucht und waren alle begeistert. Wir haben uns für ein Menü entschieden, 3 mal vegetarisch und einmal nach der Karte.Mein fleischhaltiges Menü war wirklich toll. Die Ingredienzien der einzelnen Gänge passten für meinen Geschmack optimal zusammen. Optisch und geschmacklich sehr, sehr ansprechend. Keinesfalls waren die Teller überreizt. Die Portionen von der Größe her genau nach meinem Geschmack. Man hatte definitiv noch Lust auf das köstliche Dessert ohne vorher schon voll zu sein. Habe ich schon lange nicht mehr so erlebt. Einfach toll.Hervorheben möchte ich die vegetarischen Menüs. Der Chef zauberte auf Anfrage außerhalb der Karte Gerichte, an denen ich als Fleischesser nichts vermisst hätte. Das gibt es selten. Oft heißt es ja in Lokalitäten, dass es kein Problem sei auch ein vegetarisches Menü zu bekommen... es ja auch nicht, wenn man einfach das Fleisch weglässt. Hier genau das Gegenteil. Es wurde passend ersetzt und das Gericht stand dem Menü der Karte in nichts nach.Die Weinempfehlungen war toll und auch das Wägelchen mit den Absackern hat Spaß gemacht. Ein paar feine Tröpfchen.Wir wurden sehr aufmerksam, zuvorkommend und unaufdringlich von dem ganzen Team bedient. Auch das perfekt.Ich bin froh, dass das Marktrestaurant 700km von meiner Heimat entfernt ist. Es hätte das Potential einen magisch anzuziehen und kugelrund zu machen. 700km sind aber keinesfalls zu viel um mal wieder zu kommen.Der Lohn für diese viele Arbeit können nur viele, viele rundum zufriedene Gesichter sein, die das Restaurant mit einem tollen Gefühl nach dem Besuch verlassen.Vielen Lieben Dank an das gesamte Team. Macht weiter so!!!"



Innsbrucker Str. 13, 82481 Mittenwald, Bavaria, Germany

Kebab • Deutsch • Europäisch • Vegetarier

"My wife and I had trekked out to the Lautersee, and on our return to Mittenwald found that a restaurant I had hoped to lunch at was closed for vacation (as so many are in April). We had passed the brewery and Post Keller the day before, when Post Keller was closed, and decided to head there for lunch. The dining room is up one floor from street level. We took a seat at the outside tables. The view of the mountains is wonderful, and even the reflected view is excellent. The only downside to sitting outside is that smoking is allowed there, and so if you cannot tolerate smoke or prefer to not take the chance, then settle for an indoor table. I should add that if you are dining alone or a couple, the outside tables are shared. The menu has entries in multiple languages, including English. I do love the beer from the local brewery, especially the dunked, and it is a great way to start your meal.My wife ordered the Weiner schnitzel, and I wanted to try the pork hock. Both dishes came with a substantial salad, and both dishes had very generous servings. Neither my wife nor I could finish them, and it is not because we didn't like the food. As I mentioned we had just gone on a long multihour hike. The hock was beautifully crisp on the outside and moist and tender on the inside. The accompanying dumpling was tender and flavorful. The gravy was tasty. The kraut salad that came with the dish was interestingly different and flavorful. My wife enjoyed her meal as well; the frites were nicely done, the cutlets were tasty, and the starting salad introduced some vegetables into an otherwise meat and potato dominated meal. Service was attentive and efficient. The two main courses were perhaps a bit more expensive than offerings at other restaurants in town, but the in-town offerings that we have sampled did not include a salad. Certainly compared to the obscene prices we are used to in the San Francisco Bay area, the value here is very high. Overall, a place I can heartily recommend, and a place I plan to revisit during future visits to Mittenwald."



Hochstr. 15, 82481 Mittenwald, Bavaria, Germany

Huhn • Pizza • Fleisch • Fastfood

"Wir waren im Mai 2017 in diesem Restaurant. Die Lokalität kannten wir schon von einigen Vorbesitzern. Rustikal, mit viel Holz, ein langer Schlauch, am Ende eine Theke. Da nur wenige Gäste anwesend waren, fanden wir schnell Platz und bestellten, aus recht begrenzter Auswahl, die angepriesene Spezialität in Form von zwei Spießen mit je einer freien Beilage. Jede weitere Beilage kostet 3,50 €. Auch Ketchup oder scharfe Tomatentunke werden mit 0,50 Cent berechnet, was angesichts der steifen Preise schon etwas lümmelhaft ist. Die Spieße von Schwein, Rind, Lamm, Pute, etc., liegen so zwischen 16 und 20 Euro. In der Mitte des Tisches ist ein schwarzes Kantrohr mit Querträger unsauber eingepaßt, an dem die langen Spieße gehängt werden. Das sieht zwar so ganz nett aus, aber warum man das Fleisch zum Kaltwerden so aufhängt, erschließt sich mir nicht. So tropft das reichliche Fett nun in eine kleine Schale darunter und falls einem ein Stück des Fleisches beim Herunterziehen vom Spieß auskommt, so plumpst es in die Fettschale und verteilt deren Inhalt nach Lust und Laune auf Gast und Umgebung. Das Fleisch ist von guter Qualität, aber wenn man etwas weniger mit Knoblauch um sich werfen würde, dann könnte man es auch besser schmecken. Die Beilagen: die Pommes Frites waren rösch und es fiel nur auf, daß auch der kleinste, harte Schnipsel der Kartoffelenden in Zentimetergröße noch mitserviert wurde. Das Gemüse war relativ naturell belassen und gut gegart. Das Fleisch der Spieße war gut gebraten und im Falle der Schweinelende erst nach dem Braten aufgeschnitten und aufgesteckt. Leider hielt der Geschmack nicht, was die Optik versprach. Wirklich jeder, der eine Herdplatte einschalten kann, bringt dieses Essen zustande. Da hätte ich mir etwas mehr Raffinesse in Kochkunst und Geschmack erwartet. Die Bedienung war freundlich, die Wartezeit nicht übergebührlich lang.Insgesamt war das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis jedoch nicht in Ordnung. Man denke: 4 Stückchen Fleisch und eine Portion Pommes für 32 Mark, … naja, dann eben 16 Euro…Die Speisen waren nicht wirklich gut. Nur die Darreichung an aufgehängten Spießen reißt es da auch nicht raus. Deswegen werden wir das Lokal auch nicht wieder besuchen."

Ristorantino Bellini

Ristorantino Bellini

Malerweg 4, 82481 Mittenwald, Deutschland, Germany

Käse • Mexikaner • Italienisch • International

"Seufz, this year's arrival in Garmisch on Saturday night, I had truly presented myself differently. For weeks I have been looking forward to a relaxed arrival in the best weather in the early evening in our lovely little hotel, on a first King Ludwig Weizen on the familiar balcony overlooking the beautiful garden of the house and the Zugspitze and of course on the photo documenting this; from experience ideally suited as a envy condenser for the home stays. These plans, however, crossed the combination of a veritable traffic jam at Stuttgart Airport – two of three tracks to block due to milling work is of course a great idea on a traffic-tight holiday Saturday; night construction sites are still a foreign word, incomprehensible – and an unprecedented failure of the navigation system in terms of “dynamic congestion avoidance”. Instead, as planned at about 18:30, we arrived only at about half nine, instead of Kaiserweetter poured it into streams, the Zugspitze could only be discerned and the table reserved for that time allowed neither relaxed arrival nor the anticipated, traditional welcome beer on the balcony. However, the weather should show itself very quickly from its best side and we lived a beautiful, relaxing week in the familiar place in the magnificent Werdenfelser Land, the food was appreciated on the first evening in the near Ristorante Colosseo here last year, but I could not almost enjoy it as planned; Lasagne, a successful bean tuna salad, a large glass of open house white wine and not least the joyful reunion with the Upper Bavarian GastroGuide Ikone Obacht! then quickly ensured the desired relaxation and the best mood. And in terms of cuisine I was quite relaxed anyway, because the next evening we should finally have the opportunity to visit the “Bellini” in Mittenwald together with Mr. Obacht, who was still on a training course on Saturday. Since I had read the inspiring first report from Obacht in this regard, I wanted to eat here absolutely. Last year, the company holidays of the restaurant, which overlap our stay, unfortunately made us a dash of the bill, so that we left the Hotel Ammerwald in the short term to Austria – also a very nice evening, also kulinarisch, which I unfortunately could not imagine here “land border technology”. The same comfortable V class, which brought us there, was also safely controlled by Mr. Obacht on Sunday. There it was now, hidden and yet in the middle of the angled Geigenbauer Städtchen Mittenwald, the small Ristorante Bellini. External view The outdoor advertising is discreet, the house is best in shot and the weather would have been more fitting – on Sunday it was already largely dry and in the evening lightly sunny, but the full load summer was really going off on Monday – and the garden furniture was not all comprehensiblely carefully covered with olive green tarpaulins with light Bundeswehr Flair, it would certainly have been much more inviting, but weather cannot be chosen. The guest rooms are extremely well-maintained, but thanks to the Alpine, bodice basic equipment conceivable little Dolce Vita Flair, if one would remember this one or other loving decoration detail, a Bavarian restaurant could also be operated here within a short time, which was certainly the case here. Whether in this, however, such a promising Anti Pasti selection would wait in a light-clean refrigerator close to the entrance to the hungry guest is more than questionable, this already looked promising, although admittedly not exceptional. It followed the first performance by Mrs. Karin Bellini, the wife of the cook, a fundamentally friendly, energetic, young covet and experienced gastronomine, who warmly welcomed us and led us to our accurately covered table in the back little guest room, the small restaurant has only handful tables, timely reservation is here first duty to guests. The dynamic, honest hostess was supported by a apart young lady in the service, who was not at least accommodating and routined with the thing, with two intimidating people the service was very suitable today. View towards Bar The maps were handed, a mandatory bottle of water, the well-cooled liter to moderate 5,50€ did not follow much later and Mrs. Bellini praised the one or other offer of the weekly card so mouthwatering and in detail knowledgeable that it was a true pleasure. This, however, in a calm, crediblely passionate way and not in the approach of market-crying or even intrusive, already there she had picked me up in my innermost with a view to such moments, in which otherwise often lustlessly leaps down or – much worse theatre small art is offered. To the card, I left myself with her praise later, because I think the approach is very smart and guest-oriented. This is, if you want to, pronounced “bipolar” in the sense that one is quite mainstream and inexpensive in the standard card, but in the extensive “specials” is much more ambitious, both content and price. This means, in plain language, that if you hit here, for example, in your friends or family circle, the redundancy eater here for 6,50 € can eat a very good pizza salami, the sprouts get their beloved Pasta Bolognese Co. for similar prices and even in the Carne department do not tear the scaloppine the magic 20 Euro hurdle. At the same time, however, there are options such as Atlantik Seezunge with supplements according to choice for still comparatively cheap 32 Euro, Irish Dry Aged Rib Eye from the Beefer for 34 Euro or a veritable baby stone butter from the grill for 29 Euro. All this should work well at our table, so then the pizza hit the Irish Rib Eye and Co. and everyone was happy with their choice: “That’s important to us to offer something for as much as possible, I’m glad that you open and like it!” I later heard of Mrs Bellini; I would like to think that the aim is very close. Menu planning took its course, which did not exactly simplify the extensive wine map, exceptionally, that almost every wine can be obtained not only in 0.1 l and 0.25 l, but also in front of the whole bottle 0.5 l in the carafe, which should come very close to me and the Upper Bavarian, beary original at the table – no, not Mrs. Obacht. But at first I was after an aperitif and I discovered a cocktail of the kind of house when offering them, as I am usually allergic to sweet drinks I asked what is hidden behind it. “Whatever they want, they just tell me what tastes them and I’ll prepare them in this direction!” I heard of course, complete by the fact that Mrs Bellini made some suggestions to me before I let them know that I am most likely to enjoy a good mojito and more generally fresh, citric drinks. This brought her into the motivated grübele, she checked her fundus, came to the table again for the purpose of questioning and when she finally came to the table shortly before serving the little amuse with her work, she apologised several times for her somewhat scattered daily form, otherwise she was more spontaneous and more on zack. Excuse me? An excuse??????? For a gesture that I would otherwise have expected from a motivated drink expert at star level??? In a house where you get a pizza margherita for five euros?? I let them know clearly that I have never felt an apology more unnecessary and thanked me for this promising start in the evening, a first swallow by means of the environmentally friendly straw should also confirm that my advance thanks was not deposed.... Apero Amuse Cocktail, individual – 0.3 l to 7.00 € Bread Dips No, he wasn't deposed in the approach, best tempered by a handful of ice cubes presented a well balanced drink of bone-dry prosecco, limecello and lime juice, for the refreshing Mojito bonds should continue to worry taufric mint: delicious! Custom Cocktail First insights into the craftsmanship of the kitchen allowed a few moments later the small greeting from the same, homemade Ciabatta with a small selection of dips, a beard liquor variant, an eggplant mus and a smoked salmon cream. Amuse Bärlauch Dips or butter are usually too flat, but this one did not taste with flavors, so I also like to please placebo garlic. The Aubergine Mus may be somewhat marginally oily, but so tasteful sin with slightly piquant reverberation apologises a lot and I think in the face of the craftlessness this evening that this mus was also so intended. When I only read smoked salmon cream I think of canapés from the 80s and was therefore skeptical, but also this fresh dilled version convinced with perfect taste for my palate, it already makes a lot when, besides the use of good basic ingredients, the cook has understood the meaning of pepper and salt. As a cream bottle, Mrs. Bellini brought another bottle of the best oil from Elba, which she put to us very much, and the grassy sharpness of this aromatic top product from small production was also a great pleasure. The fragrant bread pleased us all very well, I sneaked my “Mac Shaney Special” and had to watch hell, not to have too much ciabatta and dips. At the same time, Mrs. Bellini made great deeds in the service, I was able to choose the wine that Mr. Obacht and I wanted to share with the appetizer. A Tuscan Chardonnay from the Barrique sounded exciting, but I immediately heard that due to a rather pronounced vanilla note, I would like to try it before. And yes, as she was right, the vanilla was clearly too pronounced and not our case, of course, we both got a generous probier swallow. Also the second wine she gave for comparison in two fresh glasses was too low acid and too flat, so a third probier swallow was necessary and the pure vermentino finally fits wonderfully. The wines are not very cheap, but still fairly calculated, such a well-maintained handling of the subject of wine, be it in the advice and what this extensive probier ritual should be approaching, I did not expect, however, high-quality hostage in a pleasant and naturally implemented way. Appetizer Spaghetti Pescatore, Primo Piatto serving 1,60 € – 13,40 € Insalata Cetrioli – 6,00 € 2019 Solosole, 100% Vermentino, Poggio al Tesoro Allegrini, Bolgheri, Tuscany – 0.5 l to 29,60 € Spaghetti AOP with seafood, simple kitchen that lives from the quality of ingredients, a reason why I love the Mediterranean cuisines. Spaghetti Pescatore, Primo Piatto Portion Pasta on the point, the oil wonderfully aromatic with ideal chili sash, the seafood also perfectly cooked, mussels, pulpo, baby squid and two shrimps with head and shell fried; only good that I had a large napkin, a separate dish for bowls and co. as well as a refreshment cloth available. You can't do that better and the amount of seafood suggests that you only realize the Primo Piatto portion by reducing the amount of pasta. My constant accompaniment had decided in advance only for a green salad that convinced with a lot of freshness, the absence of iceberg salad the scourge of the Insalata Verde in most Italians... and a menage with Aceto, Olio and two expressly homemade dressing variants that should provide a lot of palate happiness to my right. Insalata Cetrioli Oil Dressing The accompanying wine, a hauchzart trendy Vermentino from Bolgheri is a Tuscan classic and not an unknown and should be the best choice for this dish, fresh young acidity, a hint of exotic fruit, very beautiful pairing. Our Bavarian friends dull themselves “Taglioni con coda di rospo es asparaghi”, narrow band noodles with navy and green asparaghi, was praised in principle the entire dish and a subtle curry note, looked very welcoming: Taglioni con coda di rospo es asparaghi When I told Mrs. Bellini after a short break, I decided to go to the main course for the lamb instead of thinking as before for the rib eye out of the beefer, whose lavender herbs had described her so passionately to me, her eyes shined with enthusiasm. This is a very good choice, it is fresh domestic lamb from just this corner, from a farm shop in the neighboring town and so popular that it is sometimes difficult for pre-ordering gastronomes to get something from it. That sounded good, New Zealand TK merchandise was not expected here... Main dishes Costolette d`agnello – 25,00 € Tagliatelle al Pfifferling – 15,00 € 2018 Stilio Primitivo di Manduria DOC, Villa Mottura, Apulia – 0.5 l to 32,00 € Five lamb chops from the grill, with green beans, leaf spinach and rosemary. The lamb was tastefully noticed her happy life, the delicate, juicy pink fried meat tasted slightly crumbled in itself and with a few splashes of lemon my Felicità dell 'agnello was then also perfect. Costolette d`agnello I have celebrated the potatoes, because they are happy to stay with me, too boring, pappy, underworn. Not here! Magnificent rosemary note, pleasant salt level, fragrant fresh from the pan, very nice. The leaf spinach still slightly bite-resistant, garlic present but not overdimensioned, my favorite supplement to lamb, also enhanced happy. On the other hand, the strikingly good green beans fell a bit, most of them had to be beaten to the two side competitors, but that's what it is, the better remains the eternal enemy of the good. Ms. Shaneymac usually doesn't eat much and only now went right with her fresh, homemade tagliatelle with pudderling Rahm sauce enjoyed her very well what I could well understand after a probier tap, but I will never add a great friend of cream sauces to pasta. Tagliatelle al Pfifferling The choice of red wine to the main course should be far less complicated than the one to the starter, my choice fell on a heavy fruit bomb from apulia with a clear barrique, to red meat from the grill there are certainly worse options, although the whole Primitivos, Doppio Passos and Appassimentos are usually much too prone and poorly loaded. To my lamb, he was very harmonious and also Mr. Obacht, who had enjoyed the Dry Aged Rib Eye from the beefer was happy with him, which one can also say to his well-sized entrecôte of good old Emerald Isle, the good man was very done: Dry Aged Rib Eye from the beefer That one could also say to the satisfaction of Mrs. Obfiacht with her pizza The bearded Haudegen inhaled a Tiramisu that I liked to try but through my Lockdown Delivery Safari and the very limited Solinger Dessert offer in this respect – I believe even if an Ethiopian delivery service would open Panna Cotta and Tiramisu would be the only options – I certainly no longer need Tiramisu for the next few months. Tiramisu I asked if a small improvised cheese plate was possible, which was kindly hunted, I was covered with a selection of goats “Mozzarella” from the region, mild Gorgonzola and some Scamorza, with small picant cherry peppers and olives filled with fresh cheese. Little Impro cheese plate Something fruity about it would have been better for me, but I was still happy about my choice, even if the smokey Scamorza also worked well with it, especially the Gorgonzola with the rest of my red wine was a nice final point, the goat cheese should not only visually remember a feta more than the annotated mozzarella, but did not break the taste. After that, there was no more really much and I was very pleased with the excellent grappa offered by the house, which this time the young colleague of Mrs Bellini put on the table: Salute! A wonderful evening, the only embarrassing drop of wormwood was that, although enthusiastic about the experienced service and in maximum donable tipper was, through easy messing up at the table due to separate bons and when paying with Apple Pay the NFC chip of my EC card gave up the mind two days before the holiday and added light wetness forgetting tipping. I only remembered that the next day when I recapitulated the evening and then I called to the restaurant to apologize to Mrs Bellini and to assure her that I was completely satisfied and how inconceivably embarrassing I was. She was very pleased about this, “Most importantly, we all had such a nice evening, they were all so nice guests!” Unfortunately, this year we did not get to the Eng Alm, otherwise I would have stopped in Mittenwald and made it good again, so I promised to come back safely next year and not forget what she was also audible. And as I look forward to, the highest time for a... Conclusion My headline says a lot, even to the kitchen. This is certainly not a fine dining, but it does not want to be, it does not have to be sure, because for my personal culinary happiness center it is in its way then again. Best ingredients without a snare and yet with a lot of love brought to the plate, close five stars with a light holiday odds bonus. Perhaps half the star kitchen bonus is also due to the service of Mrs Bellini, for whom I would have liked to have seven awarded in view of other, also in this restaurants of comparable value with a full score. Unfortunately, the ambience cannot keep here, close four stars and thus a school note two for the well maintained table culture and otherwise slightly cramped, rather generic guest rooms. Here you go because of the good food and not to dream about enjoying the scenery and therefore this in this case is not worth a deduction in the overall note. Cleanliness and the theme of Corona without any tadel, five stars for it. At the price performance ratio there is also almost only good to report, but half a star draw for the wines, who will googelt the red wine understand what I mean. After my beloved Bräustüberl had to close in Garmisch, I look forward to a new solid landmark on the gastronomic “Must Do List” for our annual little summer freshness with our dear friends, after the holiday is finally before the holiday...."



Hoher Kranzberg 6, Mittenwald I-82481, Deutschland, Germany

Deutsch • Europäisch • Mittagessen • österreichisch

"My business appointment in Mittenwald was faster than I thought. So I had enough time to go up to the Luttensee and park my car for a fee in the parking lot of the ski resort Kranzberg. Rasch, the shoes changed and we go. My goal was the Korean hut at 1200 meters altitude. The way requires a lot of things, it goes on as we say in Bavaria. It should be hot, steep and sweaty, but it is worth it. Depending on the degree of fines, one is droben in about half an hour. In winter sports it is only a stone's throw away from the mountain station of the ski lift. I'm sure hell is going on here. A hut like a home movie Not today. It had recently stopped raining, and accordingly I did not meet a human soul on the way. From time to time, I had to stop to get air, I'm really gloomy. The Corona registration list is open before the entrance to the terrace. Of course, this is not at all, and I would be interested to see if a guest has ever entered his data correctly. In addition, after the injury, this handle is not a mask wearing the second largest display in the Corona regulations. In front of the entrance is the list, tja....; from the entrance of the terrace there is mask duty, and you should wait until you are placed. It is beautiful here, really cozy with the many wooden tables and the stunning views of the valley. The service in the cowardly dirndl was flashy and friendly, the farm dog was lighted with the tail to greet, and there were only five guests present except me. A wonderful rest was over the terrace. a very cozy terrace and a friendly house dog The menu is really exciting. In addition to the hut siblings such as browned liver cakes with defensive roast potatoes and fried eggs € 13,90 and the inevitable cup of homemade coffee not from the can! Gulaschsuppe € 5,60 there are “for those who have found nix” Schnitzel Wiener Kunst with Fritten Frites € 13,90. This is not hidden behind the oven, but probably a homemade **** with roast potatoes and onion ring € 13,90, Bayerische Bruschetta three rubers dachi with marinated tomatoes, original parmaschinkens and parmesan € 14,90 or two homemade. Spinat Kaspressknödel on freshly fried Mediterranean vegetables and Parmesan € 14,90 And – look at this! Also vegans are thought: Mediterranean vegetables with rosemary fruits € 13,90 . The prices I find for a cottage, also with the drinks, is everything in the green price range: a white beer for 3.90 is ok and a Haferl Cappuccino for 3.50 is also not cheaper in the valley. After time, my attention was on the homemade cakes. The rash for raspberry gave the vanilla pudding layer between fruit and grape vinegar € 3.50 and a large glass of mineral water also 3.50. And guad was him, sauguad!! I love grape vinegar soil and the combination of raspberry and vanilla pudding was irresistible: and also to free the wide view of the valley. Until Mittenwald was Ach until Austria. I would have been almost invaded; but the steep way down to the car made me ask for the bill. There was no oral “7 Euro”. From a height of 1000 meters, credit is out of force. Look! Homemade raspberry cake isn't that nice? On the way to the clean toilets I went through the not very large guest room that looks like you imagine a cabin in the mountain. View into the interior Conclusion: If you do not shy the ascent, you will be rewarded with a super-hospitable terrace, great views and good food. And whoever smells, the rust! Let's go. Open daily from 10 am to 5 pm, in bad weather is already early."



Albert-Schott-Straße 3, 82481 Mittenwald, Germany

Fisch • Pasta • Mittelmeer • Italienisch

"Fiese whispered in the middle of the forest and in front of me an auto-driven pile that drove me with his way to white gluten, are there cars without second gear? Since I am too late for a free space in the parking lot on the lower market. Turn, park, blow! Where do I eat now? I don't want a long walk in the weather. On the way I discovered the lights on the other side of the road of Ristorante Amalfi da Francesco. Now they just have to cook, I thought and sent a prayer to heaven. The entrance sounded a strong “Buongiorno” and a friendly Italian Lt from the depths of the large guest room. Bill Angelo appeared in my field of vision. Because I thought of nothing better, I said: “I am alone” and have a bright “now no longer”. He led me at the large appetizer counter in an exemplary clean way into a smaller space and placed me not on the small cat table, but on a beautiful large table at the window. White tablecloth, fresh rose, quickly illuminated candle – that fits! I heard the phrase I could have embraced Angelo: “Do you want to drink or look?” At the latest, he wrapped me around my finger. In addition to the usual suspects, the card offers daily offers on the first page. Here I chose the homemade ravioli with sampi in lobster butter sauce € 10.50 as well as a mixed salad € 4.50 . And for drinking please a Cola light 0.4 l. € 3, . The bread Angelo brought me with the salad, he had previously freshly cut. He put another bottle of oil, balsamico and a large pepper mill on the table. In addition to various leaf salads, the bowl contains tomatoes, carrots, partly peeled cucumbers and peppers. I was very fond of homework. Angelo did not want to tell me the ingredients, but assured me that no mayonnaise is used and that the green color is derived from the rocket. The next advantage for the service was to delete the empty salad bowl. Angelo took the used cutlery and covered new for the pasta. And that looked very appetizing and also discouraged a tempting scent. The dough of Ravioli was a bit too hard for Al Dente, but better than too soft. The filling tasted me, but I hadn't seen any sloppy taste, I wouldn't sign it now. The best was the lobster sauce, the isolated crabs did not have to be. Four stars are worth the court. In the meantime, Angelo looked over and wondered if I was satisfied. And so he came back a little later after cleaning and asked for an espresso request? Yeah, like a Macchiato and if he could recommend a dessert? “Everything done” he stressed. “And what should I take?” He tended to be a white chocolate mousse and I trusted him. The cook had died during decoration with chocolate and strawberry sauce, I would like some fresh fruit. Apart from that, the mousse was a dream. Solve, light, really sweet and mischievous. You can pay 6 euros. The espresso fell off, he could have been hotter and stronger. To the toilets I crossed the entire guest room, which was a bit filled and discovered the stairs to the base next to the pizza baker. The finished pizzas he just got out of the wood stove looked like they tasted me. Conclusion: I ended up here completely randomly and was most pleasantly surprised. I'm glad to come back. And if the weather is allowed, then I sit on the large terrace. In service, I thought if 5 stars weren't exaggerated. But because I watched Angelo gave the child a smiling sucker at the side table when the parents paid, I thought he deserved the highest score. Children are the guests of the future!"