"The Restaurant Landgasthof Gut Marienbildchen is rated on average 4.7 stars of 5 in online reviews. The evaluation of this editorial assessment is based on 41 reviews. The online portals of Google, Tripadvisor and Facebook were used for this purpose. The restaurant is rated on Tripadvisor on average at 4.5. This value is based on 41 reviews on the portal. On the portal the kitchen is rated with 4.5 rating points. The quality is assessed on Tripadvisor with an assessment of 4.5 rating points. Landgasthof Gut Marienbildchen receives 4.5 points from max. 5. On google, this gastronomic operation is rated on average with 4.6 out of 5 stars. Another source of assessment on the internet for the restaurant can be found on Facebook. There the kitchen receives on average 5 out of possible 5 rating points. The data for this evaluation were collected on Google, Tripadvisor and Facebook portals in January 2021."