Magdeburg Magdeburg

Magdeburgo, una città storica sul fiume Elba, è conosciuta per la sua cattedrale gotica e l'Elbauenpark. Il cibo tipico include Grünkohl con salsiccia Pinkel e formaggio Harzer.

Hyaku Mizu

Hyaku Mizu

Breiter Weg 8-10, 39104 Magdeburg, Germany

Sushi • Asiatisch • Japanisch • Vegetarier

"Schließt sich eine Tür, öffnen sich zehn andere. Das ist zwar vielleicht etwas zu optimistisch, aber daran musste ich denken, nachdem ich zufrieden das Hyaku Mizu verließ. Denn zuvor hatte ich zur Kenntnis nehmen müssen, dass das von mir geschätzte kleine französische Lokal Bonapart am Breiten Weg geschlossen ist. An der Tür verkündete ein Zettel noch den gastronomischen Todeskuss Vorübergehend geschlossen , hier in der Variante aus technischen Gründen . Derweil emsige Menschen bereits die Innenausstattung heraustrugen. Tragisch... . Wohin nun, wenn der Weg von Bahnhof oder Innenstadt Hotel nicht zu weit sein soll? Genau gegenüber dem verblichenen Franzosen erhebt sich bekanntlich ein touristisches Wahrzeichen der Landeshauptstadt, die sog. Grüne Zitadelle, das Meisterwerk Hundertwassers. Man kann zu dem Künstler und seiner Kunst stehen, wie man mag, als radikaler Gegenentwurf zu den derzeit flächendeckenden Werken der Bauhaus Epigonen respektive ihrer, dem Kosten Nutzen Gott huldigenden Auftraggeber! lohnt eine Besichtigung allemal. Wie auch der Besuch dieses pan asiatischen Restaurants eines vietnamesischen Betreibers. Beide Umstände ließen mich gleich an eine Reihe von Klischees denken, die die Crew des Hyaku Mizu fast vollständig widerlegte. Schon die Innenausstattung läßt jeden Asia Schnick Schnack vermissen bzw. gerade nicht . Stattdessen Bodendielen und Tischplatten aus dunklem state of the art Holz. Zusammen mit der teilweise indirekten und farbigen Beleuchtung etwas düster, gerade im hinteren Teil, von dem aus die offene Küche gut einsehbar ist, in der asiatische Köche, auch aus Japan werkeln. Später bemerkte ich auch die dort auf Eis schön präsentierten frischen Fische. Dunkle Hölzer und farbige Lichtkonzepte sind derzeit der aktuelle Gastro Chic. Mir gefällt es noch . Zumal senfgelbe Clubsessel im Design der 60er und eine Ansicht des Fuji durchaus auch loungige Atmosphäre schaffen. Die Tische sind fast puristisch eingedeckt, neben dem Besteck ein inzwischen auch schon oft gesehener Becher aus schwarz und goldfarbenem Metall für das Teelicht. Eine Tulpe mit Strauchwerk bringt etwas Leben. Jegliche Tischbedeckung fehlt, sogar die inzwischen eigentlich unvermeidlichen Schlabberplastiksets. Die höherwertigen Vliesservietten sind in einem ungewöhnlichen Terracottaton gehalten, der sich auf den leider nur dünnen Sitzpolstern der Holzstühle wiederfindet, die im vorderen, etwas helleren Teil des Raumes an den Wänden und vor den Fenstern stehen. Wenn das ein bewusstes Aufgreifen ist, Kompliment! Insgesamt ein gelungenes modernes Ambiente, das im offenen Raum geschickt mehrere, allesamt ansprechende Bereiche schafft. Nur die tragenden Säulen stören den Raumeindruck etwas, aber die kann der Betreiber ja nicht wegreißen, ohne dass ihm der Himmel auf den Kopf fiele. Auch die Toiletten schwer stylisch u.a. mit senkrecht ! verlegten Natursteinriemchen, ansonsten der Boden schwarz und die Wände deckenhoch ! mit dunklem Stein, klaustrophobisch darf man nicht sein. Waschschüssel im asiatischen Stil, kunstvolles Gesteck. Punktstrahler lassen einige Stellen im Halbdunkel, indes nicht die entscheidenden. Alles sehr sauber und frisch, wie das ganze Restaurant. Den Service versah eine junge Frau asiatischen Aussehens, die zwar wohl nicht vom Fach, aber sehr gut angelernt war. Fehler hat sie sich nicht erlaubt. Im Gegenteil: Als ich ein fehlendes Besteckteil eigenständig vom unbesetzten! Nebentisch ersetzt hatte, musste ich zur Kenntnis nehmen, dass die Dame wenig später damit vor meinem Tisch stand. Bei der Bestellung hatte sie zwar nichts dazu gesagt, aber ganz offensichtlich das Fehlen bemerkt. Hatte ich ihr nicht zugetraut. Ich schämte mich. Etwas freundlicher und nicht gar so leise hätte es zugehen können, was aber auch an einer kleinen Diskussion über das Aperitif Getränk Calpico mit Maracuja lag. Mir sagte das nichts, auf meine Frage kam die Antwort: Milschgetränk. Milchgetränk? Milschgetränk! Mischgetränk? Milschgetränk!! Mit Milch? Ja, Milsch. Ok, ich gab auf und bestellte. Sehr lecker, erfrischend, fruchtig, leicht säuerlich. Wikipedia wusste später: Milch Misch Getränk! Schmeckt ohne Zusatz wie verdünnter Joghurt. In Japan in vielen Mischungen sehr beliebt, Originalname klingt wie Calpiss, kommt in europäischen Sprachen nicht gut, daher Calpico. Im Hyaku Mizu mit gestoßenem Eis, Limetten, Minze und Passionsfrucht Schnitz zum alkoholfreien Cocktail gepimpt und mit 4,2€ vernünftig bepreist. Zum Essen ging ich dann auf Nummer sicher und orderte Sencha, der lose aufgebrüht in einer japanisch anmutenden, emaillierten Metallkanne nebst Becher kam. Sehr löblich, 2,8€ für die japanische Qualität nicht zu teuer. Als Vorspeise wählte ich die sehr reichhaltige seafood soup für ebenfalls völlig angemessene 6,5€. Die Fischbrühe war durch Ananas, Sternfrucht, Zitronengras und Datterino Tomaten fruchtig süß sauer, Dill sorgte für einen Kräuterbestandteil und reichlich Chiliöl nicht nur für Fettaugen, sondern auch eine Schärfe. Die Einlage beeindruckend: Seelachs, Kabeljau und Thun in vernünftigen Happen, Champignonviertel, dazu eine Garnele und sogar eine kleine Jakobs ? muschel, alles natürlich nicht überragend, aber in vernünftiger Qualität. Ein wirklich guter Aufschlag, den ich so nicht erwartet hätte. Wenn ich es Recht bedenke, ist der Preis für Zutaten und Zubereitung eigentlich ein Kracher. Von der Mittagskarte wäre zudem eine Variante ohne Scallop für einen Euro weniger zu erstehen gewesen. Zum Hauptgang wählte ich ein nicht zu kleines Ribeye Steak mit grünem Spargel und Kartoffel. Fleisch und Knolle vom japanischen Robatagrill, ganz spezielle Kohle, 1000 Grad, aber slow usw. Wer mag, lese die Hymne auf der guten Homepage. Entscheidend ist...aber das wisst Ihr ja. Das Fleisch kam schön gebräunt mit kräftigen Röstaromen. Ebenso die Kartoffel, letztere allerdings etwas zu weich für meinen Geschmack, die Struktur ging schon fast verloren. Aber allemal besser als ungar, ohne diesem kleinen stolzen Volk zu nahe treten zu wollen. Der Garpunkt des Steaks war medium well und perfekt getroffen. Schade nur, dass ich medium rare bestellt hatte. Auch hier hatte es offensichtlich ein Missverständnis mit dem Service gegeben, oder ich hatte mich versprochen. Zwar unwahrscheinlich, weil ich Kurzgebratenes vom Rind nie als medium well bestellen würde. Aber so oder so: Nachdem der akzentfreie ich vermute Inhaber am Tisch informiert worden war, bekam ich ohne jedes Aufhebens innerhalb von wenigen Minuten ein ebenso perfekt gegrilltes, überaus saftiges Stück auf den frischen Teller, nun auch wie gewünscht. Bravo, so geht Umgang mit Kundenbeschwerden! Auch die vegetarischen Begleiter konnten überzeugen und waren reichhaltig: grüner Spargel, lange grüne Bohnen, kleine Blumenkohlröschen und Karotten waren ebenfalls leicht angeröstet und fest im Biss, bei der Karotte hätte es etwas längere Hitze sein dürfen. Geschmackssache auf diesem Niveau. Grüner Pfeffer gab Schärfe, nur von der japanischen Buttersauce konnte ich nichts ausmachen. Vielleicht im Fleischtausch vergessen worden. Mit 18,5€ eines der billigsten Fleischgerichte auf der Karte und ohne jeden Zweifel preiswert. Der Bezahlvorgang mit Karte verzögerte sich leider aufgrund von tatsächlich zu beobachtenden technischen Schwierigkeiten. Da mein IC nicht warten wollte, musste ich dann auf mein kümmerliches Rest Bargeld zurück greifen, was leider zu Lasten des Trinkgelds ging. Fazit: Das Hyaku Mizu hat mich sehr positiv überrascht. Moderne asiatische Küche in ansprechendem Ambiente und auf einem hohen Qualitätslevel im Zentrum der Elbestadt. Unbedingte Empfehlung!"

Griechische Taverna Sorbas, Magdeburg

Griechische Taverna Sorbas, Magdeburg

Halberstaedter Str. 37 | Hinterhof, Tordurchfahrt benutzen, 39112 Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

Asiatisch • Griechisch • Vegetarier • Parken Auf Dem Kundenparkplatz

"General Taste Standard meets outstanding ambience Actually I have not written any reviews on this portal. That's because 90 of the critiques uploaded here are for the ton. However, I have recently observed how the Greek restaurants in Magdeburg shoot mushrooms from the earth. Recently Taverna Sorbas, Taverna Mag-Aroni, Symposion, Pantheon and the Greek spoon came to the city of Magdeburg. So the fire was re-ignited in me. Service in Sorbas should be nice, but badly implemented. When welcoming without reservation, it was done as if it were difficult to accommodate us (2 people in the local area. During the 1.5 hours we were there, there were 10 more guests in the huge restaurant. I'm not stupid, nice. In addition, my chair was broken, the backrest fell out again and again. A leaning was not possible. I pointed out a waiter who said it wasn't my fault. I knew I was waiting for an apology or a new chair. As a paying guest, I didn't see a new chair for myself. We were also asked every 3 minutes when everything is fine, that was very annoying. The service did not manage to put the correct amount of restraint on the day. I don't always like to be treated with pale. Overall, I still see a lot of air in the service. Food For me it should be the classic. Gyros with Tzaziki, fries and rice. Unfortunately, the court couldn't convince me. The Gyros had hardly any temperature, it was not cheesy and light of low quality. Two whole onions were scattered over it. The raw onions were cut too coarse and also much too abundant. I don't understand what that should be. The Pommes were ok, but in a restaurant Pommes must be especially spiced, that was not the case. The tomato rice tasted good and was served with a tomato sauce I liked very much. The Zaziki was not quite different from the competition. All in all, that was ok for 9.90€. I don't want to recommend the court. The appetizer salad was good, the typical type with a slice of cucumber, tomatoes, herbs, salad and a small olive puperoni. The dressing was well known. After and before dinner there was of course a delicious ouzo. Especially negative: A (fried?! Zuccini disc placed on the edge of the plate. It was freezing and full of fat. I had to spit them into the napkin. Besides, the beer in Taverna Sorbas is not delicious. The brand of beer is not known to me. The ambience The ambiance is definitely worth a visit. Here I really have to pull my hat from the old Cadillac. The restaurant offers plenty of space and various divisions that are all very successful. Finally, a Greek also uses blue-white tablecloths. I don't want to tell you, they're looking for the Sorbas and look at the shop. The ambience looks the same. Cleanliness The place was clean."

Berner & Brown

Berner & Brown

Otto-von-Guericke-Str. 61, 39104 Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

Tee • Bier • Kebab • Tapas

"after my colleagues have been blurred from the resturant I wanted to test it myself. I've served a table for me and three friends. on 08th feb. gladly we met at 18 o'clock in the local. the waitress then gave us a table. 80 times 80 cm. for 4 people. to my question whether you are serious! yes! the bigger tables have been pre-reserved for four weeks! after that when the table had been occupied, some 3 people were sitting on large tables. well, we sat long kerls around the 1.90 m on this table and we didn't want to get anywhere with our little ones. I then ordered four different types of tapas. an salate and three warm. after relatiw short waiting time I got my tapas together! well, very manageable portions. I ate my salad "red beete." not bad but not unusual. then I thought I was eating brave. and cold! I informed the waitress about it and got the answer! the tapas have been on my table for 10 minutes. but hello, I should scoop these four dishes into me in about 5 minutes. well despite the unwillingness of the kelnnerin, I insisted on getting new warm dishes. it's been a little longer. I got my dishes. lukewarm! ursdache was fast, found. you know that as a laie. hot dish in cold porcelain dishes! the at least the shells should be preheated. I was sorry. ate the lukewarm things paid my not just low bill and we went first to drink a beer. ! I've eaten more often at spanish resturants tapas. but here it was at a distance the worst."

Toro Grosso Nino Sardella

Toro Grosso Nino Sardella

Schleinufer 50, 39104 Magdeburg, Deutschland, Germany

Wein • Steak • Fleisch

"1. there was no bright Pils. On a Saturday at 19:30!! We 3 girls wanted red wine and therefore thought of a bottle, commentary by the waiter No bottle of carafe ! 1 l . Incomprehensible! The drinks came, the red wine in a jug that would be better suited for juice than for wine and the waiter planned the table with red wine when pouring. There was also no substitute for what was going on, but only a brief excuse. We then gave our order to the next problem after he had tipped 3 main dishes into his device he could not enter the next starter's request and grumbled disgracefully he must start again from the beginning. If this is such a problem, he would probably have had to ask beforehand and clearly for appetizer requests !!!Further problem: the wish to replace the supplement rosemary fluffs against a vegetables was rejected potatoes only against other carcasses. The waiting time for appetizers were fine, Bruscetta (already better eaten, as well as tomato mozzarella). The main courts came fast and were fine. The Entrecot was excellent, but that was also the only highlight of the evening. the rosemary apples cullerated a little sweet on the plate and the bread with pesto was not really good. We sat long before empty plates without being noticed. No need for dessert, etc., it took a while until we were able to draw the waiter's attention to what we wanted to order a digestive liquor. In the meantime, together with us, tables and chairs have been moved and cleaned up, and that is quite loud, not very hospitable. Conclusion: We certainly don't come back, because we prefer to spend such a nice evening where you can appreciate the guests and have a better service."

Landhaus Hadrys

Landhaus Hadrys

Halberstädter Ch 1, 39116 Magdeburg, Germany

Wein • Fisch • Deutsch • Fleisch

"What's going on in Magdeburg? While the gourmet lights are unfortunately lost in the Alte Umspannwerk in Halle, an apparently upscale Italian could establish an accessible gourmet cuisine in the capital Saxony Anhalt. Sebastian Hadrys also missed a creative boost for his already qualitatively convincing farmhouse kitchen. So the very satisfied conclusion to my visit after lifting the first? Lockdowns. The temperatures at the beginning of June were pleasant, so I sat at the beginning of the menu on the terrace overlooking the well maintained garden. After sunset it became cooler and I changed to the elegant guest room. The photos were not very good. Restaurant manager Ms. Ebeling and a colleague who had been in the house for a long time had to flee, because after reopening the Magdeburgers had a great desire for good food. Almost 40 Couverts on Tuesday night occupied this, partly through a family business, where the kitchen had to occasionally help. The amuse was also used by a young cook Azubi? and very dedicated. The kitchen had ironed a grill plate: In the glass it was layered on a sweet potato cream Pulled Pork and a BBQ foam based on a sauce Hollandaise. Röstzwiebeln was worried about cracks. This came unspectacular, but offered a full and full joy developed from sweet to spicy. Yes! A fine suggestion for the almost single menu, which now contains 3 to 8 courses from 37€ of the Bib Gourmand, lets hardly any credible €62! What a labsal for kitchen and decision-loving guests who choose between three, sometimes four different extensive menus “must”. Only the grounded, three-course kitchen menu 35€ has survived and also offers guests access to the Hadrys, which are more satisfied with old-fashioned but at the perfect level. Since the appetizer had made me curious, I chose 6 courses without dessert and the sattmacher asparagusotto with shrimp. In addition to the cheese vinegar offered by the competition. In great design. However, when choosing wines it became more difficult, much more difficult. Firstly, because I hadn't installed a QR code app yet and made me so stupid that Ms. Ebeling finally had a look and the pretty extensive map on her knee, balance side by side for me. The view of the other guests I found something humiliating. On the other hand, because there is obviously a price change. Some of the bottles are still measured with the usual factor 2 to 3 on the Internet VK price. But also a bottle of Alsace blanc by Marcel Deiss, who stayed in the third Gongling with eight to nine times. My service fairy licked with the shoulders; I changed to a good wine from Nic Weis, which was also over expensive but affordable in the middle of this extreme. The warmed nerves with a white port of Rozes, which was cooled as always, calmed 5€, I was thrilled with the bread selection and especially that the wonderful, very thin rabbit was still there. Here the spirits separate from the grains, there are no two opinions about the wonderful crispy. The Ciabatta baked in the house even had more air at the top, but formed a good basis for a creamy light hummus in turmeric yellow and with fine but clear ginger sharpness. The next funmaker of the evening. The farmhouse water is charged with 3.8€. The menu started the amuse theme and combined optically very routine Superzartes Roastbeef with BBQ sauce, Wasabi fresh cheese, inlaid shallots, fried asparagus and cucumber. That looked great and naturally offered a potpourri of taste. But it was too different between Texas and Spreewald. Especially since the cheeses have largely defused the Asian rider who was announced as TNT. And what was the idea behind the asparagus? Nevertheless, a plate that formulates a new claim. In the following passage, he ruled for the first time in the form of a foamed, optically and tastefully precipitated sugar-chote soup. Previously, the inlay was presented with a spicy herbal and flower bouquet, a strongly fried, untamed shell and a cream on the plate. A beautiful, concentrated early summer greeting! Even more clearly the following Nordic combination: instead of ski jumping and cross-country skiing ice water trout, peas and Kohlrabi. The fish was confiscated in spice butter and slightly softer in meat than expected. In addition, thin cabbage and radish slices gave a nice snack and the only short-boiled peas. The ensemble was wonderfully freshly complemented by a buttermilk powder with lemon roast. Red crispy I couldn't determine tasteful; maybe hibiscus? No matter: That was fresh, cool, inspiring! Only small weakness: The Kohlrabi Röllchen were too long to get them safe and dig on the spoon. And badly cut in the high bowl with round bottom. But something is always...; The next colourful plate brought a vegetarian compound of carrots in different textures, mushrooms, crispy quinoa and sweetheart Not too much before a mimimi of the Münster-Gang comes back... Later a fresh mushroom was poured. Here the kitchen went stronger to the flavors. Sweet, umami and finally even a small sharpness on the palate as well as the strength of the components changed. It's a meatless band that feels good. Pleasant that not everything in the farmhouse was turned to the left: The good old customs of the Sorbet refreshment were maintained. And also that Sebastian Hadrys is inspired by cocktails. The strong Rhabarb sorbet with clear gintonic foam brought the Papillar into the wall. Even the ice itself old school: instead of Pacojet creaminess still slightly crisp, but of course no unpleasant pointed ice crystals. That's right. In fact, when Pre Dessert thought, a movement before the flesh was not a problem. The one who was announced as Surf’n’turf and therefore made me feel something: Well, the two magnificent Tranchen Rehrücken were not overlooked. And not to taste, clear “wild”, was Sous vide boiled and fried meat with his jus. But where was the sea component? Only when cutting, I noticed that the sharply spiced Bulgur was not stuck in a cut-out noodle pocket, but in a delicate squid! Surprise. Also nice that the oriental wheat speciality remained somewhat grainy, because for the cream a heavenly potato mousseline was responsible, along with a delicious bèarnaise. Thirdly, in the annon-cited covenant was the wild broccoli, but for me lost the supplementary war against the paprika variations intensive foam from the sweet yellow, crumb and sponge in red. And a herbal biscuit. Crafty and on the palate the first cream, at most a little more performance show. ABER: If you change your concept, you must try it! And at this level very, very happy! I was satisfied with the final cheese selection 19€, which actually came from the cooling in time for my almost satisfying request. What the Chaource clearly showed. From the Kompagnons, a finally mature St. Maure fell, while the Comté was still quite young. Reblochon and the cow's milk cheese flavoured by ginger complete the vine. Figs, paprika and bread on the sideline. The next day I gave another alcohol and comforted me with a red cuvée by Jörg Geiger 5,5€. Waiting for a taxi, a quick praise for the team, how the hygiene rules have been implemented here in a must-see manner. And some head shakes, how lax most guests turned with the rules. Why is that worth mentioning? I would be glad to have returned to the country house during my next visit to Saxony Anhalt, but a big banner on the homepage was clear: “For UNS the NO QUATSCH with DEM CORONA Due to the current situation and responsibility for my employees and guests, the restaurant remains closed until 14.9.2020.” In the meantime there is a ventilation concept with separate intake and exhaust air. A measuring instrument for air quality was also purchased. RESULTS FOR SEBASTIAN HADRYS AND ALL GASTRONOMEN, OUR HEALTH AND RULE"

High Kitchen

High Kitchen

Otto-von-Guericke-Straße 86a, 39104 Magdeburg, Germany

Küche • Gourmet • Deutsch • Vegetarier

"Ich hatte das Vergnügen, das gehobene Restaurant zu besuchen und ich muss sagen, dass ich absolut begeistert bin! Das Ambiente ist stilvoll, die Bedienung ist äußerst aufmerksam, freundlich und sehr kompetent. Das Essen ist einfach fantastisch. Jedes Gericht, das ich probiert habe, war perfekt zubereitet und unglaublich lecker. Die Zutaten sind von höchster Qualität und die Präsentation ist einfach wunderschön Und sehr detailverliebt. Ich kann dieses Restaurant jedem empfehlen, der ein unvergessliches kulinarisches Erlebnis sucht. Es ist definitiv ein Ort, den man besuchen sollte, wenn man ein exquisites Essen genießen möchte. Ich hatte das Vergnügen, eine Weinbegleitung zu genießen, die einfach unglaublich war! Die Servicekraft war äußerst kenntnisreich und hat uns mit viel Hintergrundwissen über die verschiedenen Weine versorgt, die er uns serviert hat. Jeder Wein wurde sorgfältig ausgewählt, um perfekt zu den Gerichten zu passen, die wir bestellt hatten, und die Kombinationen waren einfach perfekt. Die Aromen und Nuancen der Weine wurden durch die Gerichte noch verstärkt und umgekehrt. Es war ein wahrhaft unvergessliches Erlebnis, das unsere Geschmacksknospen auf eine Reise mitgenommen hat. Ich kann diese Weinbegleitung jedem empfehlen, der sich für die Welt des Weins interessiert. Die Aussicht über die Stadt ist noch ein toller Zusatz."



Keplerstr. 11c, Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, 39104

Tee • Huhn • Salat • Fleisch

"we were on the motorcycle exhibition in magdeburg to look at the latest and models. what, of course, was meant to see where you eat well and where the reviews were voted. in the research we have met on the orchideee, a Vietnamese restaurant. as my wife I are friends of Asian cuisine, we have targeted this restaurant before the trade fair visit. the day before we ordered a table shows that it was not necessary. in the most positive reviews at qype, we were a little surprised that not all tables were occupied. it could be due to the fact that this fine restaurant is a little outside and is located a little inconspicuous by the main events of the city magdeburg. we were welcomed very nice and friendly. just a short time after we took a place, we were enough to have the menu. the two vietnames, which served us alternately, were very attentive, and we were very friendly and pleasant to smile. as an appetizer we ordered every gòi cuón chay, summer rolls with rice, soyuzpins, fresh crumbs, that is a vegetarian dish. they tasted fresh. then we had as main dish vit rán chua ngot, abenbrust coarse on exotic vegetables, with an pineapple – paprika sause, slightly sharp. the sauce had a very pleasant sharpness, which was excellent after our taste at the place. boiled rice was added. my wife drank a cola and I made a beer from all the saigon mouth, which was very tasty. we can only say, excellent. for friends of Asian cuisine a joy. who like to eat healthy, freshly prepared and discouraging is here. but whoever wants a restaurant, where you don't want to do the bauch anymore, should visit a Greek restaurant or order a skanshaxe in a good bourgeois German kitchen. the restaurant was very clean, which also meant for the toilets. one is safe for us if we should be back in magdeburg, this restaurant would be a first start. in any case, this restaurant is highly recommended."