Augsburg, una delle città piÚ antiche della Germania, offre una fusione di architettura storica e cultura ricca. I piatti tipici includono schwäbische maultaschen e zwiebelrostbraten.
Wein ⢠Barren ⢠Mittelmeer ⢠International
"Die LustkĂźche ist ein eher gehobenes Resturant mit ca. 30% hĂśheren Preisen gegenĂźber bspw. eines vergleichbaren Resturants wenn es um die Qualität geht. Vorweg muss ich noch sagen, dass es hier keine Parkplätze gibt. Am Besten kommt man mit den Ăśffentlichen Verkehrsmittel. Das Ambiente und der Service bekommen von mir 5 Sterne. Die Tische stehen in annehmbaren Abständen zueinander und die Anzahl der Gäste ist beschränkt auf ca. 30, sodass es auch eine angenehme Geräuschkulisse ist. Die verschiedenen Gerichte und Weine wurden gut erklärt und der Wein wurde auch nachgeschenkt. Der GruĂ aus der KĂźche war geschmacklich sehr gut. Der Vorspeisenteller war gut kombiniert aber fraglich ob die Qualität den Preis entspricht. Die Weinbergblätter haben bspw. wie die aus der Dose geschmeckt. Als Hauptspeise hatte ich Kannichen, welches zu durch war und einen Knochensplitter hatte ich auch darin. Die dazu servierten Nudeln waren geschmacklos und teilweise hart. Als Nachspeise hatte ich den Käseteller mit Chutney welches geschmacklich Ăźberhaupt nicht zusammen gepasst hat. Das Chutney war so bitter, dass der Käseteller ungenieĂbar war. Hier wage ich zu behaupten, dass der Koch dies selbst nicht probiert hat. Alles in Allem Guter Service aber der Preis fĂźr das Essen ist nicht gerechtfertig."
Wein ⢠Fisch ⢠Europäisch ⢠Griechisch
"we were absolutely thrilled. I've been wanting niko for over 5 years, now I've finally made it. we had fourteen 12 meze, then three main dishes and three desserts. Price-performance ratio was more than good and tasteful we don't have to start. just great. we had a really great evening, although the tables are somewhat smaller. the mood in the last is great and easy."
Wein ⢠Bier ⢠Pasta ⢠Märkte
"Ein erhoffter gemĂźtlicher Abend beim Pizza essen wird zu einem Albtraum. Wir haben 2 Pizzas, 2 Bier und einen gemischten Salat im Biergarten bestellt. 1. Beim gemischten Salat haben wir explizit gesagt, dass wir weder Fleisch noch Fisch im Salat haben wollen. Der Salat wurde mit ThunfischstĂźcken serviert. Der zweite Salat hatte keine sichtbaren ThunfischstĂźcke mehr, aber einen intensiven Thunfischgeschmack. Entweder wurde derselbe Salat nach Entfernen des Thunfischs wieder gebracht oder es wurde ThunfischĂśl darĂźber gegossen.2. Das Brot als Beilage war etwas hart. Wahrscheinlich aufgeschnitten und schon ein paar Stunden rumgestanden.3. Die Pizza mit fadem Geschmack. Das Bier aus der Flasche war immerhin schĂśn kalt.4. Tisch wechseln ist in diesem Restaurant mindestens genauso verboten wie die Bemängelung des Essens. Der Tischwechsel bringe alles durcheinander, sei bei der Erstellung der Rechnung eine logistische Herausforderung und wird eigentlich nicht toleriert. Bei Nachfrage ob es geschmeckt hat, erwähnten wir den Thunfischgeschmack. Die unfreundliche Kellnerin sagt beim Vorbeigehen, dass das nicht sein kĂśnne, da der Salat immer ohne Thunfisch sei. Achso.5. Als wir die Rechnung bestellten und dabei um eine Bewirtungsrechnung baten, wurde uns gesagt: Gibtâs nicht. Auf Nachfrage wieso das so sei: Gibtâs halt nicht bei ihnen, zumindest nicht bis 100 Euro. Das gäbe es in anderen Pizzeria-Biergärten auch nicht, dort wĂźrde man zum Teil gar keine Rechnungen bekommen. ??? Wenn wir eine Bewirtungsrechnung wollen sollten wir zum Chef reingehen. Daraufhin gehe ich in die Stube des Restaurants und suche den Chef. Ein scheinbar verärgerter und impulsiver Besitzer begegnet mir. Ich teile ihm mit, dass ich gerne eine Bewirtungsrechnung hätte. Mit lauter respektloser Stimme fragt er mich wozu ich eine Bewirtungsrechnung bei nur 30 EUR Rechnung wolle. Er behauptet, dass seine Rechnung vollkommen ausreichend wäre gegenĂźber dem Finanzamt. Nachdem ich vom Chef als Besserwisser und Hampelmann beleidigt werde, bekomme ich von der Kellnerin (vermutlich seine Frau) doch noch eine richtige Bewirtungsrechnung ausgestellt. Ich weise auf den schlechten Service hin und verlasse die Stube. Daraufhin kommt der Besitzer mit zwei Männern auf mich zu, versucht mich einschĂźchtern und droht mir Gewalt an, indem er mir vorschlägt, uns im Hinterhof zu prĂźgeln. Vor seinen Gästen wollte er sich wohl nicht dermaĂen blamieren. Ich habe ihm mit der Polizei gedroht und ihn auf sein gewaltbereites und vĂśllig inakzeptables Verhalten aufmerksam gemacht. Eine wĂźtende Hetzerei entbrannte sich vom Besitzer aus und man solle sich verpissen und dĂźrfte sich hier nie wieder blicken lassen. Mittlerweile mĂźsste klar sein, dass meine Begleitung und ich eh nicht vorhaben je wieder hier zu essen. Das restliche Getränk meiner Begleiterin (bezahlt) wurde Ăźbrigens von der Kellnerin weggenommen, weil man hier nicht mehr erwĂźnscht sei.Fazit: schlechtes Essen, unfreundlicher Service und obendrauf ein gewaltbereiter cholerischer Besitzer."
Pizza ⢠Pasta ⢠Nudeln ⢠Italienisch
"we wanted a nice Christmas dinner and that was the worst we ever ordered. crispy disappointment wasn't crispy but rather muddy, eating altogether was badly very disappointing nix had eaten, kicked out money. delivery came despite early ordering (almost 2 hours previously ordered) desired delivery time still ne half an hour later! we had ordered 12 foods that were not numbered we had to look for who was heard for the first time until we could start eating was almost cold, that one could have saved himself if one had already labeled it there as usual. So once and never again!"
Asiatisch ⢠Mexikaner ⢠Europäisch ⢠Meeresfrßchte
"the fish plate (grilled), vitello tonnato, a teller kinderspaghetti and spaghetti ice cream. fish plate with 2 grilled calamari, 2 pieces lachs, 2 fish fillets and a piece of fish with something like bones in the middle (do not have any shimmer what that was!)? lachs, fish fillets and calamari were very good. the bone piece was as good as unfit. the carrots served and the salate were good. vitello tonnato was rather moderate. too much majo in it and so much too powerful. for the children's spaghetti only 3⏠were required - teller would have served au for the adult. spaghettieis was in order. a 5 star rating was not. but solid 4/5 stars. bill has been added as picture."
Brunch ⢠Burger ⢠Saisonal ⢠Schwäbisch
"environs: the hotel is unexpectedly located on the main road in direction landsberg in front of residential settlements next to a site, on the other side of the road is a tank. in the interior was obviously an interior architect at work. a casual design concept that no one would expect to be contrary. in principle is offered as in the Wienerwald similar food, the services are also all in sight and there are plenty of wood in the insert (i.e. furniture and wall covering,) but the whole chicken kit was completely omitted. original is the opening to the kitchen with crimped pots, see photo. Eat: the menu could be somewhat more extraordinary in terms of the elaborate environment. different brath-like variants, three types of carvings, salads, burgers and crimsons like chicken wings are offered. as dessert there are only ice balls, cakes and imperial fools for 9 euro and whs corresponding size. vegetarians get either salat or a falafelburger. I had the half of the garlic chicken for 8,50 (shaft) and a mixed salad with honeysenf dress. another difference to the Wienerwald there the gockel swims helplessly in a puddy melted garlic butter. in haunstetten, the whole skin is provided with a layer of freshly pressed garlic and thus crispy cooked and served. in salat, the ship has disturbed me, a sticky round plate that is overturned, if it does not hold it with a hand, and much too stacked, even if nicely garnished with claw. but for the first time, the half of it falls off and you can get it from the table. they do not taste much of the honey and the greedy cleanliness: tiptop service: a young dirndl in the dirndl takes care of the 2g check and shows them the table, is punctual because if Hasenbräu beer is empty again and follows in the background the chefilir from the beer garden from my local environment, which also runs the Haunstetter farm. card payment is not a problem. price: 4.30 for a white beer are already strong before the time. especially in augsburg. half a hen for 8.50 is in the shopping shop, half a hen then costs 2.18 or a whole accordingly only 4.25, which in turn does not correspond to the quality that the ambiente wants to sell."
Kebab ⢠Pizza ⢠Asiatisch ⢠Vegetarier
"I had a pizza margherita, a alcohol free bear and espresso, though the restaurant was busy I waited just few minutes. The pizzaâs topping was good, they use mozzarella not âundefined cheeseâ and good tomato sauce. Unfortunately the pizza was very thin and crunchy ,.."
Steak ⢠Grill ⢠Cocktail ⢠Mexikaner
"as we had imagined and maybe a little better. the plan was to spend a relaxed cocktail evening while one or other Mexican speciality. we sat outside in the best weather, unfortunately not on the farm, but on the streets. but had the luck of having a very attentive and funny waiter. it was really good. began with a tortilla chips teller, with various dips (of which one would have used significantly more) came the first round cocktails. afterwards there was the taco tablet (absolutely recommended with the next round cocktails. and the last still delicious chocolate cake. contempt: the tikis we had were really strong and tasted for good. who doesn't want to order! if we should come back to augsburg, we will be happy to come back!"
Pizza ⢠Pasta ⢠Mexikaner ⢠Mittelmeer
"I do like visiting the aposto from time to time, for simple, quick food and itsâ nice location. But the service continues to disappoint, especially the males. Menus were dropped off on the table while walking past, no greeting, when we said hello, he didnât...answer but walked off. Another waiter was likewise brisk. And the lady next to us was told off with an angry âif She says ok itâs her thingâ, that all we wanted was to leave ASAP. I get that hospitality is hard work, but still, this wasnât the first time. Furthermore none of the staff seemed happy, relaxed or energetic about their shift. Could also be an internal matter. Look after your staff, because they look after your customers, and therefore your money"
Käse ⢠Pizza ⢠Steak ⢠Fleisch
"overall a well-made ital. restaurant. pizzen are very large and also tasty, although sometimes somewhat lazy. overall a very good price-performance ratio regarding pizzas. very incomprehensible credit policy - vouchers are not valid for collection and celebration. in this respect, it is clearly discouraged from the good-seening. go and try. unfortunately we had already twice quite bad luck at the service. the other paints were ok, but unfortunately you have lost one (or in the case two) bad experiences as the laune."
CafÊs ⢠Sushi ⢠Europäisch ⢠Vegetarier
"my review is very strongly influenced by my disappointment that returned eating is served again.We were two there that my pizza mannes was good, I had ordered penne with gorgonzola and spinat. when they came, the soĂe tasted quite well, the noodles were not even.I immediately complained. the friendly waiter apologised and took the food with.A dame noticed on the side table, this fits more often there (not even noodles).The actual shock came 15 minutes later: obviously the noodles (with water presumably, because the sose was then very liquid) were re-garted in the oven. I realized this especially in the taste and obvious brand stains. I haven't heard or experienced such a thing that charged eating is served again.The bad impression was also not made by the friendly waiter who, after I noticed this, offered me an espresso as compensation, but otherwise argued helplessly."
CafÊs ⢠Pasta ⢠Pizza ⢠Barren
"ch wanted to order a swimming pool that is actually found on every good cocktail card. on demand I was made by the service that there was no such thing. the cocktail I then ordered cost 5,50 and was tiny and has tasted disgusting. a friend has ordered a cola, but since it was filled with ice cubes for half, it has tasted more like water. when we were sitting outside, I had to go into the toilet. was checked three times and had to show my card last time! the last time!"
Tee ⢠Fisch ⢠Sushi ⢠Fleisch
"90 minutes delivery time are unacceptable, even if lieferando will refer to the Sunday evening. the food itself is warm, but not particularly tasteful, so eat rather brew. I don't need it again."
Fisch ⢠Pasta ⢠Pizza ⢠Fleisch
"we were here in adventurous times with our practice eating. we were here on a Wednesday noon without reservation we would have had no chance on a table. the restaurant is always very well visited. there is a changing weekly map and also a very versatile standard map with different pizzas, salads, pasta,- meat and fish dishes. the service was very attentive and helpful. the restaurant was beautiful (unobtrusive) christmas decorated and also the musical undermining was pleasantly discreet. the foods were presented very artistically and tasted very excellent. the carpaccio as an appetizer was simply delicious, and also the fish (lachs) as a main dish was perfect. we will surely come back here"
Vegan ⢠Getränke ⢠Chinesisch ⢠Mittagessen
"from outside very inconspicuous, but inside a small paradisia. very stylishly furnished with clear lines and concept. the service was very friendly and at ask competent. the food was very well seasoned and tasted. we were able to adjust the sharpness after consultation. the self-made icy was very refreshing to eat. Overall, I would recommend it and if we are back in the opposite, we will come back in the definitiw."
CafÊs ⢠Mexikaner ⢠Europäisch ⢠Vegetarier
"a very excellent restaurant with very impressive pizzas. the selection is very large, also on vegetarian variants. the size of the pizza is simply incredible, by which not so crowded, but they can still eat it pleasantly. it is of advantage to reserve in advance."
Fisch ⢠Suppe ⢠Eiscreme ⢠Asiatisch
"in advance: the restaurant is very spacious, ideal for families with small children who like to walk around - great is also the children's corner. the service is good, fast and always very friendly and nice - here you feel welcome! the prices for the lunch buffet (Mo-Fr), but also sa (with Mongolian grill) are not too torn. the sushi is very good and quite fresh, the (industrial)ice tasty and the soft ice carmat the dream of small children! the selection of warm dressing is very good and dessert there is one or other finished product (biscuit rolls, rubber bears, lucky cookies) - which doesn't bother me very much and makes the children happy. a highly recommended, unexcited restaurant, which you like to visit."
Tee ⢠Bier ⢠Deutsch ⢠Getränke
"very beautiful Bavarian beer garden under chestnuts.We were on a Wednesday evening at 30 grad celsius to sixth there in the beer garden. we had a reservation for 18.00 clock. that was fulfilled the rest was underground.....After 30 minutes, the beverage order was received after we made several times friendly to us. this order was also under, so we had to order a second time. after 55! minutes we had finally had a heavy-duty birth!Even we could only order because we got from a graceful to our own initiative to 1 card! according to the statement of the service they do not have so many cards, so you would have to wait for which to "free". at this time the gas house was well noticed empty and the beer garden was only filled to 2/3. we got that 10 minutes after the drinks, which were already empty in the meantime - as said 30 degrees afterorders were not fulfilled, so we sat most time on the dry.The eating itself was fine.Everything in all an exceptionally bad organization with 2 female disoriented but friendly services and a desorientated chief of the house. the left doesn't know what the right one does. the tables are not numbered so that the services with their tablets in the beer garden are from table to table mistaken and have to ask where to go. We will no longer go there and can not recommend this hospitable."
Pizza ⢠Salat ⢠Burger ⢠Regionale Internationale Spezialitäten
"All tables were perfectly cleaned and the armchairs were extremely comfortable.Not only the attentive staff was the absolute racer, but also the unique flair. From my point of view a meeting in the restaurant is completely recommended. Try this good cookery, on the menu there is something in the directive for everyone."
Kebab ⢠Europäisch ⢠Vegetarier
"as a vegan, the dner has already gone off. Of course, many Dner-Lden offer a vegetarian dner with falafeln. but the soe is and stays with yogurt. and without the soe the dner is just dust-drying. sevil does everything right! The yogurt soe is based on soy. I couldn't find a difference to the normal soe at the best. so just brilliant! (you see a marginal difference in the color. you can still differentiate but not only the soe is excellent. instead of the meat you get here since what comes extremely close to the original! the used spruce are top and that look how the consistency fit perfectly. in my opinion, this has been a little bit crispy at some places. like the original. But there is a somewhat grergy crunch point where I do very hard to forgive 4 stars (4 stars is the maximum for part-Vegane restaurants.) in a supplierando I find in most supposedly vegan dressing of sevil the note that is used ice or milk. mgities for these details may be: a) produktando is as often very inaccurate. (I have already had super many problems with lieferando, so I always prefer to order directly at the restaurant if possible) b) the indication depends on the mgities (it can be the cow yogurt soe and others to be desired) c) sevil actually used milk or eggs in the fladenbrot (I really hope that this is not true. however, there are many recipes that contain yogurt in the fladenbrot. But you can steal the old man. that should definitely be vegan until the thema is clogged) should give me sevil and confirm that the details are at the point a) or b), I would like to give 4 points. info: message to sevil was sent on 26.09. I haven't received any feedback until today. update comes as soon as I have received a rckmeldung!"