
Tübingen, una pittoresca città universitaria, fonde il fascino storico con l’energia giovanile. I piatti tipici includono i Maultaschen, un tipo di ravioli locale, e la Zwiebelkuchen, una torta di cipolle.

Café Centrale Tübingen

Café Centrale Tübingen

Doblerstraße 10, 72074 Tübingen, Germany

Cafés • Kaffee • Nachhaltig • International

"in tübingen's deep-acid treated 1b position with fine dust maximum guarantee has increasingly become a mid-day hotspot with snacks every couleur and with offered any vegetarian level for several years. here I was planning to be a tübinger lunch, here. and unfortunately we had no luck with the cyclical ice cream, which here is otherwise branded by the imbisse market. instead of being cursed, we decided democratically and very spontaneously to change the empty ones. the centrale is located in the bank and irradiates entrance snow doblerstraße, only a house corner and the jump of a very large cat (about 100m) from the snack-epcentre. a kind of walk-in esophagus awaits you. a bar, a walk, at the window front high table with space for up to four dining rooms. right and left bar also wait a few tables for customers. also here it was solid full, but the busy waiter proved to be “ vaulted cellar, step down, left”. In the cellar extension of the restaurant hose it was pleasantly quiet, they had a great chat. the cellar was also well heated and frost dusted, while spoon remained out. the drinks were fixed and the lunch card was dressed with four (three times pasta, one of them vegetarian, a pizza) was kept so clear that the selection was also quickly dispensed with. the mixed salad, additionally available for a euro, came quickly and could not be forgotten at least quickly. a mixture of everything with everything, sunk in white-opaque dressing and garnished with a disc toast. not particularly good, not particularly bad. more of the type “I just forget how? I had salad?!” my main dish consisted of spaghetti in a tasty Gorgonzola sauce with pieces of swaying. the latter would not have been hurt a few minutes less in the pan. but this is at a high level to whistle. on my teller, there were no fading atacama desert in sticky form, but only very lean and very bad at the point of Brazilian meat. my opposite had penne all’arrabbiata, which looked very excellent and seemingly sound. I don't trust tomato sauce personally. murphy's legal forces with guarantee at least one sauce drop to control the worn upper part in a ballistic flight path and makes it look like a food growth engineer for the rest of the day. I'm sorry. the Dessert-Espresso was strong and good and helped to force the incoming fresskoma into a compelling frame. also the payment went fast and without a snare and my opposite and I wobbled satt and satisfied until the crucifixion of snack epicentre and court mile. ours separated. of me there are four stars – the one star has the salate. I had salat!? for my opposite there are smooth five stars plus. many thanks for the wonderful lunch break – always happy! that applies both to the central and in particular to mine. the central hose part is barrier-free, the combed cellar is unfortunately not. a particularly ecological tübinger can also be contacted via the city bus line 10 (direction österberg). the bus stop is only a small jump of a medium-sized cat (20m)."

Schranners Waldhorn

Schranners Waldhorn

Schönbuchstr. 49, 72074 Tübingen-Bebenhausen, Germany

Gourmet • Französisch • International • Klassische Küche

"The former Waldhorn in Tübingen Bebenhausen is no longer available. The one Michelin star was lost and now, after the change of pawn, the inn has renamed Schranners Waldhorn. Upon arrival you can assume warm light and a pleasant ambience through the many windows. The fact that there is nobel inside shows a big bouquet at the entrance. Decorative items set in scene and later noble wine coolers at the table are missing as little as white fabric tablecloths and fabric napkins. The six tables in the guest room are located along the windows and one was placed similar to a septaree. There is already a closed society in the secondary area. We are led to our reserved table. In the service this evening, a family member (in-law mother/mother) seems to work with us, which looks particularly hectic. We don't even sit yet, we're already asking for our aperitif wishes. Later in the chord the water will be gifted by it no we are not on the run and do not want to contribute to the maximization of profit in this form. Chef Max Schranner's menu made us curious, because she seemed to be able to satisfy our preferences for this evening. If you don't want to take a menu in 5 courses at 65 Euros, you will find a nice selection of five appetizers (8.50 Euro to 22 Euro), two intermediate dishes, four soups (6.50 Euro to 15 Euro), seven main courses and five different desserts or Cheese. On the menu we especially liked that classics such as Gaisburger Marsch or stove slippers, which have long since become oblivious at other places are offered. The amuse bouche this evening was a strong lobster essence. It was served in a small cup with a pastry stalk. My appetizer, St. Pierre with black Tagliatelle and crust scum (19 euro), was designated as an intermediate dish. A nice piece of fish without bones was dressed on the noodle turret. Among them is a fine and powerful little bump. Many small zucchini pieces and dried tomatoes make the whole really peppery. It tasted very good and was my favorite this evening. The following Gaisburger march (13.50 euros) also called potato carvings and sparrows, took place in earlier times when this elaborately cooked Swabian dish was at home. Opticly it fulfilled my claim and the soup plate was also well filled with carrot slices, potatoes, beef and a small bowl of Spätzle. The soup was again of strong nature and too salted for my taste. A little more late zle almost failed to ensure that a glimpse to the service ladies was not possible. If I have to walk around in an upscale restaurant to make me noticeable, this is an absolute no go. As a dessert, I had once again chosen a classic, the oven slipper with vanilla ice cream (11 euros). It was a baked cake, juicy apple slices I missed and overall the baked was dry, happy and no enjoyment. This has not succeeded and certainly the modern style of the nightstand. I know it with soft apples and bread slices that are softened beforehand. Very well the lobster foam soup arrived at the table, as well as the beef fillet, where the potato artichokes were very firm in consistency. The pork chop was not the racer, and a dessert would no longer order from our round here. We found the kitchen growing through and for the bids, including the service the prices are too och set. As far as the service is concerned, we would have liked to ask ourselves whether everything is right during the meal. Every employee is responsible for everything and everyone is uncoordinated and then comes the food where the ladies then stand behind one and ask first of all who gets what to then whistle around the table. We imagine a cozy outrageous."

Gaststatte Bavaria

Gaststatte Bavaria

Bei der Fruchtschranne 12, 72070, Tübingen, Germany

Pizza • Deutsch • Fastfood • Europäisch

"I was encouraged by the reviews that said this was place very good and very tasty. It's neither. Perhaps these people really do think this is good food? If so, they need to get out a bit more. The person from Utrecht who said it was on his blacklist has it right. Sparsely decorated and dominated by a large television with endless football matches on it it is unwelcoming. Perhaps they go for the large out of focus screen rather than the food? I asked to sit under a light so I could read. I was told 'NO', bluntly by the unsmiling woman who seemed to be the only waitress. The menu is limited to plain and simple food. Not necessarily a problem. I ordered Wiener schnitzel and was first served a small salad which included an overripe and dire-tasting slice of tomato. A glass of Coca Cola was served flat and at room temperature. At long last the weiner schnitzel arrived. A vast piece of tasteless schnitzel and over-salted 'fries' on a cold plate. I gave up three quarters of the way through - too much salt, too little taste and it had all gone cold. I ordered apfelstrudel. That took a while to arrive and when it did it was a small microwaved slice with some sort of custard, plus cream from a can and chocolate sauce. At least I hope it was chocolate sauce. All at room temperature again. You might expect to eat a dessert with a spoon. But no, here you have to make do with a fork. No spoons. Quite how you eat custard with a fork escapes me. To cap it all, I went to pay and was told cash only. This is perhaps the most technologically advanced country in Europe, its 2017 and they haven't got the technology of a card machine. To be fair they are not the only place that takes only cash. Fortunately I had just enough cash. I mildly suggested that this wasn't very good. An elaborate shrug of the shoulders and she walked away. Who cares? I'm just the customer. And then you walk outside through a fog of cigarette smoke. A dreadful experience. Since all my staff stay in the hotel nearby I will now warn them off and I will not go back there either."

Meze Akademie

Meze Akademie

Hechinger Str. 67, 72072 Tubingen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, Tübingen

Pizza • Asiatisch • Mittelmeer • Europäisch

"Auf Grund von geschäftlichen Empfehlungen sind wir eigentlich gut gestimmt ins Meze Akademie gegangen.Leider sind wir von 4-5 Punkten zum Anfang hin im Verlauf des Abends bis auf einen hinunter gerutscht, weshalb hier auch dementsprechend die Bewertung ausfällt.Fazit: Unterirdischer Service, Speisen okay, der Laden wird vollkommen überbewertet...Erster Eindruck war sehr gut, schönes Ambiente im Shabby Chic, draußen sitzt man etwas auf dem Präsentierteller, was uns allerdings eher weniger gestört hatte.Die Karte wird auf riesigen Tafeln an den Tisch gebracht. Eye-Catcher, leider sind sie extrem unpraktisch, fallen runter oder es muss bei maximaler Tischbelegung ein Stuhl extra ran geholt werden... Wer nicht mit dem System bzw griechischer Küche besonders vertraut ist versteht erstmal nicht all zu viel, da so gut wie nur griechische Spezialitäten aufgelistet sind - allerdings ohne Erklärung. Dementsprechend ist der Chef besonders hinterher, den Gästen jedesmal das System bzw Begriffe zu erklären.Getränke (Schorlen) werden ohne Eis (?!) serviert, was besonders immer Sommer verwunderlich ist...Das Essen sieht optisch gut aus. Leider ist damit schon alles gesagt. Ölig und ungewürzt.Abzuraten ist vom Cheesecake kretischer Art. Dieser wird mit Ziegenkäse hergestellt und ist damit sehr geschmacksintensiv... wir hätten uns gewünscht, dass uns bei der Aufnahme der Bestellung darauf hingewiesen worden wäre, da dies schon sehr speziell ist.Als wir dies dem Chef sagten kam als Antwort "Was haben sie denn gedacht womit Cheesecake gemacht wird?!" - naja regulär jedenfalls nicht mit Ziegenkäse... Kretische Art lässt ja relativ viel Interpretationsfreiheit...Bis man mal zum Zahlen kommt vergingen 45 min. Der Chef sitzt am Nebentisch und quatscht/isst mit vermutlich Stammgästen - geht gar nicht wenn das eigene Personal nur am rotieren ist ! Beim Bezahlen stand der Cheesecake natürlich auf der Abrechnung - obwohl wir ihn nach einer halben Gabel wirklich freundlich mit der Betonung "Geschmackssache" zurück gehen ließen. Als wir dies nochmal sagten (ohne jegliche Forderung) ließ der Chef dann plötzlich sein Friendly-Face fallen, wurde abrupt böse und knallte uns den Betrag des Kuchens auf den Tisch und sagte "schönen Abend.", drehte sich um und war weg. Wir waren einfach sprachlos, so was unprofessionelles und unhöfliches haben wir noch nie erlebt!Wenn man hier seine Antworten auf Bewertungen liest, wird dieses Verhalten nur unterstrichen - im Sinne von griechischer Phrasen zu deutsch: "hahahah! Tschüss und kommen Sie nicht wieder!" Peinlich und unprofessionell."