Munich Munich

Monaco, conosciuta per la sua architettura storica e i vivaci giardini della birra, è famosa per piatti come Weisswurst, Pretzel e il sostanzioso Schweinshaxe.



Baumstraße 21, 80469 München, Munich, Germany

Käse • Fisch • Pasta • Deutsch

"Full disclosure: We live about three minutes away, so we have been to this restaurant more than once. Actually, quite a few times. tl;dr: We were never disappointed.The ambience is simply nice. Modern with a touch of vintage. The backroom is especially nice.The menu contains what you would expect from a very good Bavarian restaurant. All local "must eats" checked, and with no frills or thrills. Simply rock solid Bavarian food. The quality of the ingredients is very high, even by Munich standards. You can order both meats and fish with confidence, as they will be fresh, tasty, and well made. The pork roast deserves special mentioning. Unless you are used to US serving sizes, the small one will do nicely. Dumplings can be ordered extra, at very little cost (€1.5 if memory serves).Everything else is simply nice, too. The Spätzle (Swabian noodles) are a great choice for vegetarians. The salads are fresh, and the dressings never overdone.The eponymous tap beer (Augustiner) is arguably the best of the six major brands in Munich, and it is always fresh, and crisp.The staff are extremely attentive. Even when put to the test (football world championship transmitted live, venue fully packed), we never had to wait for more than a couple of minutes.Outside seating is available, and one will be waited fast there, too.Overall, one of the more commendable Bavarian restaurants in town. Nice ambience, very nice food, friendly and attentive staff. Nice!"

Kleine Villa Flora

Kleine Villa Flora

Tübinger Str. 19, 80686 München, Deutschland, Munich, Germany

Grill • Balkan • Deutsch • Italienisch

"Keeshond review about the Cevapcici was still in my memory when we were looking for a place for dinner. It is not far from the U Bahn stop Westendstr. away and a beer garden is available, but is finally again beautiful weather. Keeshond has already described the location class that there is nothing more to add. On the roadside, parking is available, as he already writes, a matter of luck, which could have been lucky in our visit. Service Here this was a little different with us. We also looked for a place and a young man in everyday clothing and operating belts put us two cards. After a short time he came back and meant to drink. The order of wine was a little a problem, there were words from him, not only have a Merlot. The map is opened and shown on it. He then said – I don't know, ask. The drinks came fast and apparently the wine was present. He put the glasses on the side of the table and put the beer lid on the other side. If you don't put the glasses on it, he asked if we wanted to eat something and picked up the order. After a short time they also reached us together, he put them to the table and said – please nicely and shortly afterwards put Ketschup and Majo to the table. He was only seen when our plates were empty and told us if it tasted us. He was gone so quickly that we didn't get to order a Manowar dessert. It proved difficult. He didn't get out of the inside. Another table already got a faith crisis, the wheat had been empty for a whole time. They also desperately tried to catch the lady in the other area and were suspected to be part of the service through the greenery. At last they could order their drinks, but they did not react to our Hello. When they delivered the wheat, we became more energetic and we could order and share with that we would like to pay. The snaps quickly came to the table without a word, but nothing was to be noticed from scratching. After some time, the young gentleman came to the table with the Bon and put him in front of me. I paid and he then said – beautiful evening still . Today it did not go as well as Keeshond. Sorry, but the two young people had no idea of the service at all. 0.5 star food With us there was the whole map today. It consists of a wooden board on which laminated papers are located. There are meat, fish in German variant and Balkan dishes. There are also burgers and vegetarians. Pig roasts are only available Saturday and Sunday. We had a red wine for 3,00 € a dark wheat for 3,40 €, to eat the pork roast with potato dumplings for 10,50 € Cevapcici small with pommes, Djuvecreis and Ajvar for 8,00 € and two Sljivowitz for each 2,90 € The pork roast was a decent portion. Three big thicker slices of meat. This was very delicate and juicy and from the spice he did not have to hide. There were two more pieces of crispy reek skin. Delicious, just like the sauce. A strong dark, beautifully decorated sauce. She had a nice cumin taste and was from the taste 1 a. The dumpling had a nice consistency, something firmer as we like it and a beautiful potato taste. He wasn't as fine as he had a little potato strip in him. In the long run, however, it becomes a lot of meat. We prefer a slice less and a dump or a salad. At the Cevapcici there was also a decent portion although here the small one was chosen. There were 6 pieces on the plate. These were delicate pink grilled and very juicy. There was a slight paprika note. Garlic was also tasted out, probably something more for us, but not everyone likes it. She tasted us, just like the Pommes. Immigration-free with salt, class crispy and inside but still soft. The rice was cooked to the point, but here we lacked something. He just tasted tomato. We would have liked some more seasoning and some vegetables. We suspect Ajavar as a finished product from the glass. Nothing special, but now you can't eat it. The red onion cubes were freshly cut and lay on the rice. There were still fresh parsley on the plate, which was already a little dried. Huge portions of delicious food in a small garden. Would come again at any time, 4.5 star ambience The puppy is still there, here you should think about living traps. We had put a piece of meat in the ashtrays to distract them. The hammer was they swung pieces from the flesh and flew away again. We always thought they were sweet. There is the typical beer garden seating made of brown folding tables and chairs. The front area at the entrance is partly covered with chestnuts, the rear part with a large plan. From the way, the beer garden is delimited by a hedge before curiosity. The toilet house is in the middle of the beer garden and is covered with wood. There are also seat cushions on some chairs. The floor consists of gravel. On the table there is now a black deck, a wooden box with salt and pepper shakers, beer lid, a business card and a jug with cutlery and napkins and the table number on a cooking spoon. In addition, there is an ashtray at the table, but no one with a wind catch. We liked it for a small garden beer garden, 4.5 stars cleanliness In the outside area, everything was clean. On the men's toilets a few traces of dust. Ladies' toilets were not visited. 4.5 stars"

Marais Soir

Marais Soir

Schwanthalerstraße 131, 80339, Munich, Germany

Wein • Kaffee • Europäisch • Vegetarier

"Da wir in der Nähe wohnen, hatten wir schon länger mal geplant, das Marais Soir auszuprobieren! Wir kannten die Speisekarte aus dem Aushang und freuten uns - da wir dachten, dass wir bei den Preisen nicht nur französische Küche sondern inspirierte französische Küche erwarten durften. Der Abend begann gut mit einem netten Empfang, die Karte machte uns die Auswahl leicht - und es ging los. Die Vorspeisen (Ziegenkäse und Fischsuppe) waren gut aber nicht inspirierend. Das hatten wir auch in München schon besser gegessen und für weniger Geld. Wichtiger Lichtblick: die dazu passenden offenen Weine waren super gewählt von der Bedienung und unterstützten den Geschmack der Speisen.Die Hauptspeisen waren schmackhaft - aber von der Größe der Portion her enttäuschend. Weinauswahl passte zwar wieder aber uns fehlte das spannende und typisch französische - Fisch in Safransud koche ich selber besser und für den Preis für mind. 4 Personen! Der Nachtisch passte - leider mussten wir darauf eine halbe Stunde warten genauso wie auf die Rechnung. Zu Zweit ist es einfach zu laut - am Nebentisch saßen 4 Personen dicht gedrängt an einem 3 Personentisch - obwohl sie reserviert hatten...Wir haben uns den Abend nicht verderben lassen, aber wir sind gegangen mit dem Gefühl, zu viel für zu wenig gezahlt zu haben. Für den Preis haben wir schon sehr viel besser und spannender gegessen - auch in München."

Osteria Blu Notte

Osteria Blu Notte

Schleißheimer Straße 77, 80797, Munich, Germany

Wein • Pasta • Mittelmeer • Italienisch

"Ich hatte eigentlich nicht vor eine Beschwerde zu schreiben. Aufgrund der falschen Darstellung der Situation des Inhabers, werde ich das jetzt allerdings doch machen. Anstatt sich zu entschuldigen, mir vorzuwerfen, ich hätte einen Fehler gemacht, geht wirklich zu weit. Ich habe für meinen Geburtstag für 14 Leute reserviert und nach einem ausführlichen Telefonat noch eine Bestätigung per E-Mail erhalten. Einige Tage vor der Reservierung haben wir zusätzlich noch telefoniert und ich habe Vorspeisenplatten bestellt. Das war auch alles in seinem Reservierungsbuch notiert, das er mir zeigen wollte, um zu beweisen, dass ihn keine Schuld trifft. Die Reservierung für die andere Person war durchgestrichen, der Tisch war auch für 14 Personen gedeckt, nicht für 10 wie von der anderen Person reserviert. Er hat behauptet, er hätte versucht mich zu erreichen und ich wäre nicht dran gegangen. Das konnte durch die Infos im Buch klar widerlegt werden. Dennoch wurde ich nach Hause geschickt an einem Freitagabend mit 13 Gästen. Ich habe niemanden dazu aufgerufen hier eine Beschwerde abzugeben also klar kein Mobbing). Ich kann aber Leute nicht davon abhalten, wenn sie so sehr von dem Lokal enttäuscht sind. Sollte hier ein Anwalt eingeschaltet werden, kann ich gerne all meine Aussagen belegen. Ich hatte zumindest nochmal auf eine ausführliche Entschuldigung gehofft und nicht weitere Vorwürfe. Das hätte auch eher dazu geführt, dass meine Freunde die schlechte Bewertung rausnehmen. So fühle ich mich gezwungen eine zusätzliche schlechte zu verfassen. Sehr schade Edit: es ist schon blöd genug, dass der Fehler mit der Doppelreservierung passiert ist. Wirklich ärgern tut mich aber der Umgang damit. Der Eigentümer hat meine E-Mail-Adresse und Handynummer über die wir, entgegen seiner Aussage, schon öfter telefoniert haben). Es hat sich am Abend auch klar rausgestellt, dass mich kein Fehler trifft und wir 2 Tage vorher noch telefoniert haben. Man könnte sich die Zeit nehmen und sich bei mir entschuldigen. Stattdessen hier auf Rezensionen mit Lügen zu antworten und mit einem Anwalt zu drohen, ist einfach schwach. Der Eigentümer hatte die Wahl und hat sich leider für Letzteres entschieden"



Donnersbergerstraße 30, 80634 München, Germany, Munich

Getränke • Griechisch • Mittelmeer • International

"We were here on Wednesday afternoon. It was nice weather and we wanted to get out. Although all tables were occupied, the man led us to a table where a guest sat who wanted to pay the same. He even asked us if it's okay and we're hunting. Also in the restaurant it looked very cozy, it is very modern furnished and looks clean and welcoming. The menu is very diverse. There are salads, typical Greek dishes, grill dishes and fish. Prices seemed appropriate. We decided once for the fish plate from the grill with baby Calamaris, St.Petersfisch, Scampi and Salat (8.90 Euro) and once for Gyros and Kalamari with Zaziki, rice and salad (4.40 Euro). Since both dishes were from lunch, there was a small (0.2l) drink free. We first got a small bread basket, some slices were unfortunately already dry, but otherwise it tasted good. The food wasn't long, that was very positive and it was really delicious. At the salad I was just a little disturbed that the salad leaves were relatively warm as the sampi lay on them. In addition, the salad could have been more unusual, not leaf salad, tomatoes and cucumbers. But this is a high level of milking. The total price cannot be contested. If we pay, we have another dessert in the house. That was a nice gesture. What exactly that was, I can't say. Probably a Greek yogurt with cookies and honey not bad, but also not world famous. We definitely come back!"