Cheesecake Alle Fragole Cheesecake Alle Fragole
Porca L'oca

Porca L'oca

Vicolo Schiavonia 22, CASALE SUL SILE, Italy

Caffè • Pizza • Pasta • Carne

"Where do I begin, okay from the beginning. My wife and I were staying at the Doubletree Hilton, it was our day in Italy and we were faced with the high probability that we were about to face our meal of Pizza. Don't...get me wrong, we had several delicious pizzas from various Pizzerias but enough is enough. It was and our options were almost all up. I opened TripAdvisor and selected restaurants in my local area and there were several but it was Sunday night and options were dwindling. I scrolled thru a couple of places and there were decent choices of .......Pizzerias, ugh..... I decided if I had to eat pizza again I would find the number rated restaurant and I came upon Porca L'Oca, it had stars and good reviews. I asked Sara the Doubletree front desk rep if she had heard of Porca and she said she had, she had eaten there herself and it was very good, but she thought we definitely would need a reservation. That got me concerned because I was near the end of our vacation budget. Sara spoke to them in Italian and my wife and I thought it sounded argumentative and I thought for sure that we would not be going there. Sara hung up the phone, smiled at me and assured me everything was set and they would be expecting us shortly at Porca's. Note, I took Deutsche in Highschool for years and hadn't any experience with Italian, so now I know that just normally conversation tone for them. Plugged in Porca's address and minutes later we pulled into a dirt road and Google Maps announced we had arrived at our destination. Unfortunately we were between two freshly plowed farmer's fields and no building insight. We kept driving deeper into the farmers land and started to become concerned we were trespassing on somebody's land while in a foreign country. Came around a bend of trees and there were cars parked on side of road next to a very large house surrounded by lush vegetation. We still thought we were on private property but thought we might be able to get directions from the house occupants. Walked up to the door and could hear a large group talking and celebrating, tried the front door but it was locked. Now for sure this was a private residence we thought! I noticed there was a key on the outside of the door, I shrugged my shoulders, turned the key and walked in as the door opened. There were several long tables filled with families and busy servers rushing about. One of the servers noticed us and gave us a friendly gesture to come right in. I held up two fingers and they sat us down and immediately it began..... They immediately brought us a bottle of still water and a bottle of House Cabernet. We tasted the wine and we both looked at each other in amazement because it was so delicious, it was the best wine we had since the start of our Italian visit, maybe ever..... Then they immediately started putting food on our table without ever even asking for our order. My wife and I wondered what we had got ourselves into. With no menu and no prices listed, we assumed that this meal was going to be rather expensive, but the setting and service were so wonderful I thought what the heck you only live once. When the food started coming out, I didn't care anymore. First, brought out a relish tray with bread that was so good and with pickles that were tart and tangy and tasty. The food was more than amazing, every single continuous dish they brought just got better and better, one of the appetizers was some kind of warmed cabbage and artichoke dish that my wife and I had multiple helpings of. Two dishes of pasta then followed, a superb Risotto and a beef stroganoff made with homemade noodles that my Dad would die for. Next was a delicious simple yet very fresh garden salad. Next they brought out a main entree that was a deliciously prepared Guinea Fowl with roasted potatoes, that were so very savory. They attempted to bring us a second full entrée but we were just too full. I actually had to go outside and walk around a bit in the rain because I was so absolutely wonderfully stuffed. They brought out an amazingly light and airy Strawberry Cheesecake and this was followed a tray of homemade Italian pastries......somehow we found room for them. To end the gourmet feast, Espresso and ice cold Grappa were served and that was followed by a digestive liquor known as Genziana, at alcohol by weight, wow! I believe Gene Simmons of KISS fame, uses it to blow fire balls during his concerts. Juliana, the proprietor's daughter was so helpful and friendly. Her beautiful Mom is the one who came over with the bottle of Genziana, with a mischievous Cat who ate the bird look in her eye We certainly enjoyed our dining experience and will without exception be visiting here again on our next visit to Venice, you should to! Oh and I should mention.... All that fine service, all that fine wine, food, desserts, after dinner drinks and digestifs, all the feeling of being welcome in their humble yet thriving restaurant. For the two of us, euros....... Call and visit first chance you get, tell them Gary and Sara send their warm regards."

1489 Food Pop

1489 Food Pop

Via Lecce 173, 73014, Italia, GALLIPOLI, Italy

Cibo • Pizza • Pasta • Panini

"Eravamo in compagnia di cugini e amici, e per fare bella figura ho prenotato dal per giovedì un tavolo per sei adulti e due seggioloni per i bambini. Al telefono mi rispondono che ci sono due turni serali, il primo alle e l'altro alle Avevamo due macchine e quando siamo arrivati abbiamo trovato subito parcheggio per il suo ampio spazio esterno, anche se sterrato. Quest'ultimo punto non è comodo per chi arriva coi tacchi o ha dei passeggini come noi. All'ingresso abbiamo sentito un forte odore di brace, per alcuni potrebbe essere piacevole per altri no. Il personale ci ha accolti e ci ha accompagnato al tavolo. Per fortuna il tavolo era quello ai lati e non al centro del dehor esterno. Scelta azzeccata da parte dei gestori che ci ha permesso di conservare i passegini di modo da non essere di intralcio ai camerieri. La serata era molto ventilata, ma il dehor seppur esterno era abbastanza riparato. Dopo circa quindici minuti abbiamo ordinato. Come antipasti abbiamo preso: bruschetta (mozzarella fior di latte, pomodoro condito, mortadella e rucola), sfizio (pizza fritta con farciture: prosciutto crudo, mozzarella pomodorini e rucola; stracciatella, pomodoro schiattarisciato e capocollo) e dei frittini. De bere due birre, due bottiglie d'acqua e una coca-cola. Degli antipasti solo i frittini non sono stati di mio gradimento, le pettoline erano dure ed i panzerotti non avevano la classica doratura fritta ma erano marroni scuri: bruciati. Tempi di attesa perfetti. Alle sono arrivate le sei pizze tutte insieme. Io ho preso la pizza MORTAZZA (con fior di latte, mortadella Bologna, pistacchio in due versioni: crema e granella). Mia moglie invece ha preso la pizza con fior di latte, pomodori secchi, burrata del casaro e capocollo di Martina Franca. Pizze ECCEZIONALI, col bordo alto e pastoso come piacciono a noi. Ingredienti freschi e di qualità. I nostri amci hanno preso una una DELIZIOSA SULLE PUNTE (mozzarella di bufala, filetto di pomodoro San Marzano, pepe nero, basilico e punte di ricotta), una REGINA DOC (pomodoro San Marzano, fior di latte, basilico, olio EVO) e LA GIALLA (mozzarella di bufala, salsa di datterino giallo, pesto di basilico, olio EVO e basilico fresco). Personale simpatico e con le mascherine correttamente indossate. Speso poco meno di a coppia. Ristorante salvato tra i miei preferiti. Consigliato."



Via Del Gazometro, 38, 00154, Roma, Italy

Cibo • Pizza • Pasta • Istituzione

"Sono stata ieri a Gazometro con un'amica. Premetto che, avendo lavorato in passato in diversi ristoranti, sono sempre molto di supporto verso il mondo del catering. Bene, diciamo che volevamo prenotare ma il numero di cellulare corrispondente al locale aveva la segreteria inserita. Arriviamo lì e fortunatamente il locale é grande, c'era posto. La cameriera ci dice cosa, rispetto al menu, non c'era. Optiamo per due burger vegani, scoprendo però che non ci sono. Chiediamo un bicchiere di Falanghina, e scopriamo che non c'è. Non hanno alcun vino bianco. Ok ... La mia amica ordina un calzone, buonissimo, ed io delle verdure grigliate ed un'insalata, per carità, fatte bene. C'era la partita e lo staff che si occupa degli eventi ci propone un gioco: se avessimo indovinato il risultato, avremmo vinto una bottiglia di spumante. Siamo rimaste fino a fine partita, solo per vedere se avessimo vinto. Ed abbiamo azzeccato il risultato! Le persone incaricate ci dicono, però, che avremmo dovuto consumare la bottiglia al tavolo: avrebbero dovuto specificarlo prima. Non abbiamo voluto, perché era tardi ed eravamo solo in due: non volevamo ubriacarci. Loro, molto carini, al posto della bottiglia ci offrono due drink. Prendiamo due capiroske alla fragola. Finito di consumare, ci avviamo all'uscita... Ma la cameriera ci segue pensando che non volessimo pagare i due drink che invece ci erano stati offerti! L'abbiamo presa a ridere ma tra di loro avrebbero potuto comunicare un po' meglio. In conclusione, locale molto bello, cibo buono, non costoso ma ci sono tante cose da migliorare. A tutto lo staff vanno i migliori auguri per il prossimo futuro!"