""Where shall we eat in Moritzburg?" we asked our hosts before we set out from Dresden.Adams Gasthof, they said. Right across from the Schloss. Hmmm. Something to take under advisement.The GPS took us off our track and into a snowdrift. A fellow from the village came along and helped me push. Back onto firm ground -- "We're actually trying to get to Moritzburg. Which way should we go?" Forward to the church, left, then at the traffic signal right... "Danke vielmals! Und noch eine Frage - in Moritzburg wo sollen wir essen?"Adams Gasthof, he said.Well, that decided it. Adams Gasthof it would be.We came down the main street of the town, across the little narrow-gauge railway tracks, past the various hotels and shops... no signs for Adams Gasthof, or none that we saw... Hmmmph. Had we missed it? We were at the Schlossteich, the castle's moat-lake... oh, the hell with it. Left-hand turn along the road that parallels the lake's bank. And, to take another run past the various shops and signs, first left again, and -- and by golly, there on our right it stood, Adams Gasthof, parking in the courtyard or behind. Goal! Goal! Goooooooaaaaallllll! (Well, we were hungry after all that pushing.)For centuries the place has served travellers through Moritzburg from its privileged location at the castle gate, a gift of the Kings of Saxony. The architecture and the menu both drip tradition: High ceilings, dignified plasterwork, and tall windows with white frames and mullions set off the dark wood of the entryways, the blond wood of the parquet floors. Bits of ungulate skullcap and antler are everywhere overhead, which I mention only in case you're morbid that way. Carp, and not a hint of mud in its flavour, from the castle's waters, venison, red cabbage with apples, potatoes with gravy, a proper salad, good beer all contributed to an excellent meal... but dreadful "Christmas music" over the in-house tannoy took away from it. And, as too often still in what used to be East Germany, standard credit cards were not accepted.Our Dresden hosts, our village car-pusher, both were right to recommend Adams Gasthof. We recommend it too, as long as you have a decent wodge of cash in your pocket; certainly you'll enjoy the food and the decor. (Look out for the stuffed fox smoking a pipe.) And if you elect to go, as long as it's not in the run-up to Christmas, you probably won't have to listen to Michael Jackson rendering, in both senses, O HOLY NIGHT -- so your meal will be much happier than was ours."